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词汇 出人意料
例句 The Danes were the surprise winners of their group.丹麦队出人意料的从小组赛中胜出。The first track on the album is surprisingly tuneful.唱片上的第一首乐曲音调非常优美,真是出人意料Surprisingly, it is not uncommon for planes to be struck by lightning during flight.出人意料的是,飞机在飞行中被闪电击中的事常常发生。The story has a surprise ending.这个故事的结尾出人意料The story weaves together the past and present in surprising ways.故事出人意料地将过去和现在编织在一起。He was given a surprisingly light sentence for his crimes.他罪行累累,却出人意料地得到从轻判处。Then Vanessa dropped the bombshell that she was leaving - and leaving that night.接着瓦妮莎出人意料地宣布她要走了—当晚就走。The Swiss franc has remained surprisingly strong.瑞士法郎出人意料地保持坚挺。He responded to the question with surprising candidness. 他对这个问题的回答出人意料地坦率。The beaches here are surprisingly uncrowded.出人意料的是这儿的海滩人不多。His death was totally unexpected and, in consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement.他的死亡完全出人意料,因此,根本没有安排替补人选。The underdog team scored two surprise goals first.这支弱队出人意料地先进两球。He appeared out of thin air. 他突然现身,出人意料Then, out of the blue, he sold his house and left the country.然后,他出人意料地卖掉房子并离开了那个国家。The collection has some surprising inclusions. 这些收藏品中有些出人意料的物品。It's surprising that a girl as attractive as Sarah is going out with someone so ordinary looking.像萨拉这么漂亮的女孩子,竟然会和这么相貌平平的人谈恋爱,真出人意料It was the most unexpected piece of news one could possibly imagine.这条新闻最出人意料了,真是让人想象不到。My grandmother has a surprisingly modern perspective on life.我的祖母对于生活有种出人意料的时髦观点。He lost his title unexpectedly to a man who is virtually unknown outside boxing circles.出人意料地把他的冠军称号输给了拳坛以外几乎无人认识的一个人。His choice was unsurprising.他作出这样的选择并不出人意料Some surprising names have lined up behind the idea.有些出人意料的名人也在支持这个想法。In an unusual twist, the police arrested one of their own.出人意料的是,警方逮捕了一个自己人。The photographs are fairly predictable and unexceptional.照片都平淡无奇,没什么出人意料之处。Dick had been an accident by sending over flowers.迪克送花来,真是出人意料It's surprising how much milk the bread sops up.这块面包能吸收那么多牛奶,太出人意料了。The underdog team scored two surprise goals.处于劣势的一队出人意料地进两球。Hanley pulled off a surprise victory in the semi-final.汉利在半决赛中取得了出人意料的胜利。The Swiss franc has remained surprisingly strong.瑞士法郎一直出人意料地保持着坚挺。The news of his marriage was a bolt from the blue.他结婚的消息真是出人意料The movie is full of outrageous sight gags.这部电影里尽是些出人意料的无言笑话。His piano-playing was a revelation.他的钢琴演奏出人意料They managed to conjure a victory.他们出人意料地取得了胜利。Everyone knows she's not likely to spring a surprise.大家知道她不大可能做出出人意料的事。Boren surprisingly led off the most intensive line of questioning today.博伦今天出人意料地一上来就开始连珠炮似地盘问起来。The results of the survey lead to some surprising conclusions.调查的结果引出了一些出人意料的结论。Her repulse was quite unexpected.她的拒绝是完全出人意料的。The journey was surprisingly hassle-free.这次旅行出人意料地没有遇到什么麻烦。Not unsurprisingly, he did it rather well.出人意料的是,他做得相当好。She is a nice girl; her fit of temper was indeed out of character.她是一个温文和善的姑娘;她突然大发脾气真是出人意料There is a gradual build-up of suspense throughout the film, until it comes to an unexpected ending.这部电影自始自终悬念在一步步加深,最后的结局很出人意料




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