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Companies that donate books or equipment to schools that collect their tokens are not being entirely altruistic - after all, you have to buy the products to get the tokens.公司向获得他们礼券的学校捐赠书本或设备,并非完全出于无私的动机。毕竟,你得去购买他们的产品才能得到这些礼券。Many choose to work in developing countries out of altruism.许多人出于无私的考虑,决定在发展中国家工作。I offended him quite unintentionally.我冒犯了他完全是出于无心。He was actuated almost entirely by altruism.他几乎完全是出于无私。Dare you chance any kind of open confrontation, deliberate or inadvertent?深思熟虑的也罢,出于无心的也罢,你可敢冒公开对抗的险?It was an ignorant mistake.这是个出于无知的错误。 |