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词汇 几小时
例句 The essay was dashed off in a few hours.那篇论文是在几小时内匆匆完成的。There's no good punishing him hours later, because he won't remember what he's done wrong.过了几小时才责罚他没有用,因为他不会记得做了什么错事。The medicine will not take action for several hours.药要在几小时后才会起作用。Wesley would pray for hours and memorize large sections of the Bible.韦斯利会祷告好几小时,并把《圣经》大段大段地记住。Fishing is possible for a couple of hours either side of high water.涨潮期前后几小时内都可以捕鱼。After some hours of paddling one's mind is out of breath.蹚水赶路几小时后,脑子变得昏昏然。A few hours later Benjamin shook me awake.几小时后,本杰明把我摇醒了。She savoured her few hours of freedom.她充分享受短短几小时的自由。Several hours after the surgery, she was still in her lethargy.手术过后几小时,她仍然昏睡不醒。He stopped over in Hong Kong for a few hours.他在香港经停了几小时The crisis was resolved in a matter of a few hours.危机在几小时内就化解了。In the rainy season the river can rise rapidly to flood the valley in a few hours.在雨季,这条河会迅速上涨,几小时里就淹没了山谷。After a couple of hours the storm passed.几小时以后暴风雨停止了。Release the dog. He has been chained up for hours.放开这条狗。它已被拴了好几小时了。I wanted to stay ignorant of my fate for a few more precious hours.我想再多享受宝贵的几小时而不去想自己的命运如何。She could discourse for hours on/about almost any subject.她几乎对任何话题都能侃上几小时Hours of feverish activity lay ahead. The tents had to be erected, the stalls set up.之后是几小时的忙活。要竖起帐篷,搭好货摊。We've only got a couple of hours to lick this place into shape before the guests arrive.客人到来之前我们只有几小时的时间来布置场地。The lawyer claimed that his client had been shut up in a prison cell for hours, when there was no legal reason to keep him.那位律师称他的委托人在牢里被关了几小时,当时没有法律依据这么做。Her spirits were high with the hope of seeing Nick in minutes rather than hours.她很兴奋,因为再过几分钟而不是几小时后就有希望见到尼克了。Most new babies will want to feed every few hours.大部分新生儿每隔几小时就需喂哺一次。Within hours of the incident, both countries had declared war.这事件发生几小时后,两个国家宣战。Police hope that a member of the public will be able to identify a man seen acting suspiciously a few hours before the murder took place.警方希望公众中有人能够指认出谋杀案发生前几小时被人看到行动可疑的一名男子。It may take a few hours for the medication to work its magic.这药可能要几小时后才见效。If anyone can spare a couple of hours a week to help out, it would be much appreciated.如果谁能一个星期里抽出几小时的时间帮一下忙,我们将十分感激。I have argued with him for hours but I can't make him see reason.我跟他争论了好几小时,但仍不能使他接受我的意见。Normally, a woman will lie in a few hours before the birth of her child.在正常情况下,妇女在分娩前要待产几小时His nerves were in rags after hours of questioning.被审问几小时之后,他的神经垮了。Within hours of the tragedy happening, an emergency rescue team had been assembled.悲剧发生后几小时之内,就集结起来一支紧急救援队伍。They can throw a bridge over the river in a few hours.他们能在几小时内在河上架起一座桥。 Once he knew where we were, Lewis telegraphed every few hours.一知道我们在哪里,刘易斯就每隔几小时便发来一份电报。We argued the matter over for hours.我们为这事辩论了几小时The pain/swelling will subside in a couple of hours.疼痛/肿胀会在几小时内缓解。My punishment for littering was several hours of picking up trash.我因乱扔杂物而受到的处罚是捡几小时垃圾。I'll be out of the office for a few hours - will you hold the fort until I get back?我要离开办公室几小时——你能在我回来之前替我照看一下吗?The artist must have spent hours etching the image on the glass.这位美术家一定花了好几小时把这画像蚀刻在玻璃上。Traffic was tied up for hours/miles.交通堵了好几小时/英里。We studied for final exams for hours on end.我们连续花了好几小时准备期末考。Fighting around the capital has intensified in the last few hours.首都周围的战斗在过去的几小时里变得更加激烈。The idea of being separated from him, even for a few hours, was torture.一想到要和他分开,即便是短短几小时,都感到备受煎熬。




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