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She burst into tears, stung by the harshness of his words.他那番严厉无情的话刺痛了她,眼泪夺眶而出。She took one look at the mess and promptly burst into tears.她看了一眼那一片狼藉的景象,立即大哭起来。Do you fear that you'll burst into tears or explode with anger in front of her?.你担心会在她面前放声大哭或是勃然大怒吗?She put down the telephone and burst into tears.她放下电话,痛哭流涕。Her rage boiled over as she burst into tears.她放声大哭,再也无法控制自己的愤怒。Giving way to her grief, Anna burst into tears.安娜控制不住悲伤,突然哭了起来。Sometimes he laughs and sometimes bursts into tears.I can't reckon him up.他有时笑有时哭,我摸不透他这人。She burst into tears the moment she got the sad news.一听到这伤心的消息,她就哭了起来。Suddenly, Jason burst into tears and poured out his heart, telling his mother all about everything.杰森突然哭了,说出了心里话,把一切都告诉了母亲。To my utter consternation, he burst into tears.令我惊恐万分的是,他突然哭了起来。At the bare thought of her lost baby, she would burst into tears.一想起失去的孩子,她就会泪流满面。She suddenly burst into tears. 她突然大哭了起来。He burst into tears, begging her to forgive him and swearing to pay back everything he had stolen.他突然大哭起来,求她原谅,并发誓偿还他偷的所有东西。He slammed the receiver down and burst into tears.他砰地摔下电话,哭了起来。My mother was overcome with emotion and burst into tears.我母亲控制不住自己的感情,泪如雨下。He suddenly, unaccountably, burst into tears.他突然莫名其妙地泪流满面。Mom burst into tears as the minister pronounced us man and wife.牧师宣布我们结为夫妻时,妈妈激动得流下了眼泪。She burst into tears and ran from the kitchen.她突然哭起来,跑出了厨房。I told her she looked fat, whereupon she threw the entire contents of a saucepan at me and burst into tears.我告诉她她看上去很胖,她马上把一整锅饭菜都朝我摔过来,然后放声大哭。Laura burst into tears and ran out of the room.劳拉突然失声痛哭,跑出了房间。When Simon heard the news, he burst into tears.西蒙听到这个消息时放声大哭。She was so tired and overwrought that she burst into tears.她太累太紧张,突然大哭起来。She looked ready to burst into tears.她看样子就要哭出来了。 |