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词汇 准备工作
例句 She had her assistants do the spadework in preparation for the trial.她让助手做审判前艰苦的准备工作At St Eloi Cathedral funeral preparations are underway.在圣伊洛大教堂葬礼的准备工作正在进行中。He had been singularly glum and unconfiding during the last week of preparation.他在准备工作的最后一周中显得反常地忧郁和沉默寡言。This is all part of the preparation for next month's vital election.这全都是下月举行的重要选举的准备工作的一部分。I will attend to all the arrangements for the journey.这次旅行的所有准备工作由我负责。Obviously the negotiator had done his homework.显而易见,谈判人事前做了充分的准备工作At last all the arrangements were completed and we waited impatiently for the big day to arrive.所有的准备工作终于都做好了,我们焦急地等候着这个重大日子到来。The authorities began to make the necessary arrangements for taking over the garrisons, which were still in the hands of the enemy.政府开始为接管卫戍部队作必要的准备工作,目前他们仍在敌军手中。Plans are rolling full steam ahead for the Jamaica Festival.庆祝牙买加节的准备工作正开展得如火如荼。He's done a lot of preparation for this meeting.他为本次会议做了大量的准备工作Painting a room involves a lot of prep.粉刷房间需要做许多准备工作Arrangements for the funeral are complete.葬礼的准备工作已结束。Their planning and preparation were meticulous.他们的计划和准备工作都很仔细。Preparations for the president's visit had been made several months in advance.为总统访问而作的准备工作几个月前就开始了。At least a year's preparatory work will be necessary before building can start.在开始动工之前至少要做一年的准备工作We are already doing the groundwork for the introduction of the plan next year.我们已经在为明年实施计划做些基本的准备工作Before you go near a stockbroker, do your homework.找股票经纪人之前,先要做好必要的准备工作I've started the preparations for the party, but it's up to you to keep the ball rolling.我已开始聚会的准备工作,但接下来就全看你的了I've done all the spadework on my thesis; it only remains to get it into shape.我那篇论文所有艰苦繁重的准备工作都已完成,余下的只是执笔成文而已。It is now that the spadework has to be done to lay firm foundations for later success.现在应该着手做一些准备工作以便为日后的成功打下坚实基础。While a play was still seek, other preparations were already in hand.剧本还没有确定,其它准备工作就已经着手了。The members of the club can rotate and one person can do all the preparation for the evening.俱乐部的成员可以轮流工作,而且一个人就能做好晚上的所有准备工作They turned up having done no preparatory work.结果证明他们没有做过准备工作Despite a lot of preparation, we didn't win the contest.尽管作了大量的准备工作,我们还是没有赢得比赛。Preparations are now in hand to close half the factories.关闭半数工厂的准备工作目前正在进行中。The festival involves a lot of preparation.节日需要做很多准备工作All of the arrangements have been made in advance.所有准备工作都提前做好了。A nurse came in to prep him for the appendectomy.一名护士进来为他作阑尾切除手术前的准备工作She's busy with the final preparations for the wedding.她正忙于为婚礼做最后的准备工作The festival was a logistical nightmare. 节日的准备工作如同一场噩梦。Once she got the money for the new business it was all systems go.她一旦拿到办新企业的资金,一切准备工作就都就绪了。Preparations for the event are now in full flow.活动的准备工作正在全力进行。There is much preparatory work for us to do.我们有许多准备工作要做。All the preparations have been made at great expense.所有的准备工作都投入巨大。Preliminary arrangements have been made for the talks.会谈的准备工作已经就绪。We are just discussing the final arrangements for the concert.我们只是在讨论音乐会最后的准备工作Everything is in gear for the visit.为这次访问所做的准备工作一切就绪。Arrangements for the trip have now been completed.旅行前的准备工作都已经做好。A lot of preparatory work still needs to be done.还有很多准备工作要做。It's worth all the hard work and preparation to make the show a real success.要把节自做得很成功,所有的辛苦和准备工作都是值得的。




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