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词汇 冷静下来
例句 It took some time to calm him down and talk some sense into him.经过一段时间的劝说他才冷静下来,也听进了一些话。I think you should both cool off, and maybe then you can sit down and discuss it rationally.我想你们俩都应该冷静下来,到时或许能够坐下来好好谈谈。Let him cool off, you can talk about it later.先让他冷静下来,那件事你们可以稍后再谈。Just calm down - shouting won't solve anything!冷静下来——大叫大嚷并不能解决任何问题!Just try to cool down and think rationally.请你尽量冷静下来,理智地想一想。She stopped briefly to collect herself.她停了一小会儿让自己冷静下来Just calm down, stop gabbling, and tell me what has happened.冷静下来,说话别太急,告诉我发生了什么事。I felt helpless, but tried to gather my wits.我感到无助,但尽量让自己冷静下来You must try to be calm.你必须设法冷静下来His calm confidence steadied the nervous passengers.他的镇定自若使紧张不安的旅客们冷静下来Their rapid response giddied me but I recovered fast.他们的迅速答复使我晕头转向,不过我很快冷静下来She lost her temper, but soon came to herself.她发了脾气,但很快就冷静下来了。After I cooled down I realized I had been wrong.等我冷静下来之后,我认识到我错了。OK, timeout, everyone, let's all quiet down and talk about this calmly.好了,大家不要争了,我们都冷静下来,心平气和地讨论这个问题。I think we'd better let the matter drop so your father can calm down.我认为我们最好别再谈这件事了,这样你父亲就会冷静下来You need to cool off/down before I talk to you.在我跟你谈话之前你要冷静下来Let's stay calm and try to behave like responsible adults.让我们冷静下来,行事尽量拿出成年人应有的明辨是非的能力。Don't do anything rash until the feelings subside.冷静下来之前不要鲁莽行事。Leave her alone until she cools down a bit.不要管她,让她冷静下来The act of writing a list can help to calm you down.列清单可以帮助你冷静下来I thought the trip might give me time to simmer down.我以为这次旅行会给我时间冷静下来




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