例句 |
Snakes and lizards are cold-blooded animals.蛇和蜥蜴都是冷血动物。They said he was a pitiless, cold-blooded fellow, with no geniality in him.他们说他是个毫无怜悯心、一点也不和蔼的冷血动物。She subscribes to the theory that some dinosaurs were warm-blooded and others were cold-blooded.她赞同一些恐龙是温血动物而另一些是冷血动物的理论。If you're not touched by this film, you've no soul.如果这部电影没有打动你,你简直是冷血动物。Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment.冷血动物的体温随着周围环境的温度而变化。Reptiles are cold-blooded.爬行动物属冷血动物。Cat are warm-blooded animals, but snakes are cold-blooded.猫是温血动物,而蛇是冷血动物。 |