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词汇 决意
例句 The new President is resolved to impose a number of reforms.新总统决意要进行一些改革。She chose to go against her parents' will and marry him anyway. 决意违背父母的意愿,无论如何都要嫁给他。She's set herself against going to university.决意不肯上大学。Yul had stood under the cinema marquee and decided to become a movie star.尤尔早已站在影院天棚下,决意成为一名影星。They determined to leave immediately.他们决意马上离开。It is regrettable that strike leaders seem intent on spoiling holidays.遗憾的是罢工领导人似乎决意要破坏节日的气氛。So you're definitely set on a career in medicine?那么你决意要投身医学事业了?He designed to excel in his studies.决意在学习上超别人。I was determined to be a professional dancer, and practised for hours every day.决意要成为职业舞者,每天练习很多个小时。They were a side hell-bent on a place in the Premier League.他们决意打入英超联赛。They're bent upon destroying the world.他们决意要毁掉世界。TV networks determined to win the ratings war决意要赢得收视率大战的各大电视台She was intent on pursuing a career in business.决意要在商界谋求一职。They were determined to go back to the land of their forefathers.他们决意回到祖先的土地上。He seems hell-bent on confrontation.他似乎决意对抗。The leaders were determined to thwart her.领导们决意要阻挠她。Another restless night followed, but she determinedly settled down to work again the next morning.又一个不眠之夜,但是第二天早上她还是决意继续专心工作。Getting to the top hadn't been easy, in spite of his burning ambition and will to succeed.尽管他满怀雄心,决意要成功,但要爬到最高层也不容易。She's definite that she wants to do it, and she'll not give an inch, however hard you try to persuade her.决意要做那件事,你无论怎样劝她都不会改变心意。We are determined to bring the people responsible to justice.我们决意要将肇事者绳之以法。He resolved to combat with his bad habits.决意与自己的坏习惯搏斗。They seemed bent on destroying his career.他们好像决意要毁掉他的前程。Ellen was determined to stay awake, despite the late hour.埃伦决意不让自己睡着,不管有多晚。She was determined not to give in to despair.决意不对绝望屈服。She was determined to succeed by hook or by crook.决意要不择手段获得成功。I was set to shut out anyone else who came knocking.其他任何人来敲门,我都决意将其拒之门外。Michael decided he wanted to move on to pastures new for financial reasons.出于经济原因,迈克尔决意去寻找更好的前程。We are determined that the law shall be enforced.我们决意要实施这项法律。He resolved to avenge the insult on the boss.决意为受辱向老板进行报复。His girlfriend lives in London and I'm sure that was a factor in his decision to move there.他的女友住在伦敦,我肯定那就是他决意搬去那里的一个因素。His second wife, Alice, was determined to alienate him from his two boys.他的第二任妻子艾丽斯,决意要疏远他和两个儿子的感情。He determined to rescue his two countrymen.决意营救自己的两名同胞。The lawyers had every intention of calling Smythe to the witness stand.律师决意要把斯迈思传召到证人席上。He continued eating, deciding to ignore her.他继续吃着,决意对她不理不睬。His enemies are determined to ruin him.他的敌人决意要毁了他。If you're determined to cut a dash in a designer dress, consider hiring one.如果你决意要身着设计师之作惊艳出位,那就考虑雇请一位时装设计师吧。He stormed out, eyes blazing, bent on vengeance.他两眼冒火、怒气冲冲地冲了出去,决意要报仇雪恨。He can be very cutting when he chooses to be!当他决意伤人时,会变得很尖刻!Sally was determined to keep her dignity in front of me and not to cry.萨莉决意在我面前保持镇静,不让自己哭。He was determined to see the party keep a hold on the reins of power.决意要确保这个政党掌握政权。




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