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词汇 决定性
例句 Germany now concentrated her entire armament for a decisive blow in the west.现在德国集中了全部军事力量,要在西线实施决定性打击。The decisive goal arrived against the run of play.这个决定性的进球逆转了场上的局势。The fight ended with a decisive blow.这场打斗以决定性的一击告终。She cast the decisive vote.她投了决定性的一票。This latest election promise might just swing the balance in the candidate's favour.最近作出的这一选举承诺可能会对选民抉择起到决定性的作用。We liked both houses, but price was the deciding factor.这两幢房子我们都喜欢,但价格才是决定性因素。The department prohibits the use of race, colour, or ethnicity as the determinant factor for initiating police action.警局禁止以种族、肤色或民族作为出警的决定性因素。Mr. Johnson's opinion is decisive on the question.在这个问题上约翰逊先生的意见是决定性的。Cost was the determining factor.成本是决定性因素。But practicality is hardly a defining characteristic.不过实用性却并不是起决定性作用的的特征。Fineness of judgement is the deciding factor.细致入微的判断力是决定性因素。The meeting was indecisive.这次会议不是决定性的。Abdul keyed the game with three touch-downs.阿布杜尔三次持球触地得分,为赢得比赛起了决定性作用。The election campaign has now entered its final, decisive phase.选举活动现在已进入了最后的决定性阶段。His vote tipped the balance in our favour.他的一票起了决定性作用,使形势有利于我们。The extra horsepower was always going to be decisive.总会是额外的马力起决定性作用。The boy was brought up by his mother, who was a dominating influence in his life.那个男孩被他的母亲带大,母亲对他一生起着决定性的影响。The might of the army could prove decisive.军事力量可能会成为决定性的因素。But fateful forces beyond the band's control were to conspire against them.然而,乐队无力控制的各种决定性力量将会对他们造成不利的影响。His decisive action on that fateful night saved many lives.在那个决定性的夜晚,他的果断行动拯救了许多人的生命。Cleveland's reputation for reliability was the decisive factor in winning the contract.克利夫兰诚实可靠的声誉是赢得这份合同的决定性因素。Never has so much rested on one match for one team.对于一支队伍来说,这场比赛的决定性意义是前所未有的。There is no definitive test as yet for the condition.对这种病目前还没有决定性的检测手段。They offered opposing players bribes to fix a decisive league match against Valenciennes.他们贿赂对方队员,在联赛对阵瓦朗谢讷队的一场决定性比赛中作弊。The UK has played a decisive role in these negotiations.英国在这些谈判中发挥了决定性的作用。The might of the army could prove a decisive factor.军事力量可能会成为决定性的因素。The crucial breakthrough came almost by accident.取得这个决定性的突破近乎意外。The party has won a conclusive victory in elections.该党在选举中赢得了决定性的胜利。Economic factors played a decisive role in the outcome of the war.经济因素对战争的胜负起着决定性作用。I had the deciding vote.我获得了表决中决定性的一票。Price was the determining factor in their decision.成本是影响他们决策的决定性因素。Level of education is often a determinant of income.教育水平常是收入的一个决定性因素。She said if the world did not act conclusively now, it would only bequeath the problem to future generations.她说如果人类现在不采取决定性的行动,那就只会把问题留给子孙后代。He played a crucial role in the merger talks.他在这次企业并购谈判中起着决定性的作用。Race should never be a deciding factor in a hiring decision.雇用与否,种族不应当是决定性因素。Cost was the decisive/deciding/determining factor in their decision. 成本是影响他们决策的决定性因素。The troops will be deployed in the final push against the insurgents.将部署兵力向叛乱分子发动决定性攻势。The decisive goal arrived against the run of play.这个决定性的得分逆转了场上的局势。This venture is seen as an acid test of the alliance.这次冒险被视为对同盟的决定性考验。He had one potentially decisive factor in his favour / favor: the element of surprise.他具备一种对他的发展有积极影响的决定性素质 - 出奇制胜的本领。




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