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词汇 冲向
例句 Half a dozen men entered the pub and bore down on the bar.六个男人进了酒吧,气势汹汹地冲向吧台。He made a desperate lunge for the ball.他竭尽全力地冲向了那个球。He rushed offstage.冲向后台。Jane wanted to rush to the door and get out into the open air.简想冲向门口到外面去。She flew at me, shouting how wicked and evil I was.她一边冲向我,一边还喊着我有多缺德多邪恶。He dashed towards them waving his spear.他挥舞着长矛冲向他们。He saved a little girl from being trampled underfoot in the rush for the fire exit.他从冲向安全出口的人群脚下救出了一个小女孩。Sergeant Horne sprinted to the car.霍恩中士全力冲向那辆汽车。Row upon row of landing craft stormed the beach.一排排登陆艇冲向滩头。The plane dived towards the ground and exploded in a ball of flame.飞机冲向地面后爆炸,化作一团火球。Lotte was getting ready to fight if they came for her.如果他们冲向自己,洛特就准备打一架。She came running out of her office and went barreling past us down the hall.她跑出办公室,从我们身边飞驰般冲向大厅。The soldiers raced toward the unprotected camp.士兵们冲向未设防的营地。Then Tammy broke free from Judd and ran for the door screaming.后来塔米挣脱了贾德,尖叫着冲向门口。You used to be able to pop out to the corner shop for a packet of cigarettes.你以前会为了买一包香烟而冲向街头小店。She rushed to the phone.冲向电话。He plunged towards the door and wrenched it open.他跌跌撞撞地冲向门口,用力把门打开。We rushed the palace gates and killed the guards.我们一起冲向宫殿大门,杀死了守卫。We paddled furiously to the far side of the falls.我们飞快地划桨冲向瀑布远端。The hidden assailant jumped out at them.袭击者突然从隐蔽处冲向他们。The dog rushed at Tommy and gave him such a rapturous welcome as nearly to fell him to the ground.冲向汤米,发疯似的欢迎他,险些儿把他撞倒在地。We all surged toward the door.我们都冲向了门口。Strong currents pulled the swimmer out to sea.湍急的水流把那位游泳者冲向了大海。We trotted towards the first fence.我们策马小跑着冲向第一道围栏。They saw a big flash and a huge ball of fire reaching hundreds of feet into the sky.他们看见一道强光和一个巨大的火球冲向数百英尺的高空。I had to rush to the loo to avoid an attack of hysterical giggles.我不得不冲向卫生间,以免遭到别人的疯狂嘲笑。She came at him, pounding her fists against his chest.冲向他,用拳头使劲打他的胸膛。Strong currents can sweep unwary bathers out to sea.强大的水流会把疏于警惕的游泳者冲向大海。People charged toward the stage.人们冲向舞台。The boat was heading for the rocks but at the last minute veered off in another direction.那艘船冲向岩石,但在最后一刻猛然转向了。The security men panicked as angry fans charged towards them.愤怒的球迷冲向他们时,保安人员陷入惊慌之中。I ran back to Iris's and burst in on Polly who was ironing in the kitchen.我跑回艾里斯的家,冲向正在厨房熨衣服的波莉。The girl flashed a smile at the television crew and cameras bearing down on her.那个女孩对着冲向她的电视台工作人员和摄像机笑了笑。The colonel rushed up to Earle, shaking his gun at him.上校冲向厄尔,朝他挥着枪。Horrified commuters saw the lorry veer across the motorway and overturn.惊恐万分的通勤者们看见那辆卡车突然冲向高速公路另一侧,接着翻倒在地。The bicycle racers sprinted for the finish line.自行车运动员们全速冲向终点。A group of half a dozen men entered the pub and bore down on the bar.一伙六个人走进酒吧,冲向吧台。She charged off to the bedroom.她猛地冲向卧室。In the days of hyperinflation, we would rush to the market as soon as we were paid and buy our weekly groceries before they were marked up.在恶性通货膨胀时期,一发工资我们便冲向市场,赶在涨价之前买回一周所需的食品杂货。I scrambled for the door.我急忙冲向门口。




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