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He put me through a series of exercises to improve my car control. The first was to drive on simulated ice.他让我进行一系列的练习以提高我的控车能力。第一项就是在模拟冰面上驾车。He wore boots that bit into the ice.他穿了一双能卡住冰面的靴子。The ball rolled onto the frozen surface of the pond.球滚到了池塘的冰面上。Francesca slid across the ice.弗朗西丝卡从冰面上滑过。Watch out for breaks in the ice.小心冰面上的裂缝。He nervously ventured out onto the ice.他提心吊胆地冒险走上了冰面。She skated out onto the ice.她滑上了冰面。He slid across the ice.他滑行通过冰面。 |