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词汇 农场主
例句 Floods are a great mischief to the farmer.农场主而言,洪水是大祸。The farmer contracted to lease his land.农场主立约出租土地。Farmers and politicians are yoked by money and votes.农场主和政客被金钱和选票绑在了一起。British farmers took the lead by sending tons of grain to the drought-stricken areas.英国农场主带头将大量的谷物送往遭受旱灾的地区。Most poultry farmers have to rely on commercially manufactured feeds.多数饲养家禽的农场主不得不依赖商业化生产的饲料。Farmers have laid the blame for their problems entirely on EU policies.农场主把他们的问题全归咎于欧盟的政策。To ease financial difficulties, farmers could be compensated for their loss of subsidies.为了缓解经济困难,农场主们损失的补贴会得到补偿。Some farmers still make cheese the old-fashioned way.一些农场主仍在用传统方法制作奶酪。Namibian law permits ranchers to shoot cheetahs to protect their livestock.纳米比亚法律允许农场主射杀猎豹以保护家畜。The farmer claimed that he shot the men because they were poaching on his land.农场主声称他开枪射杀那些人是因为他们侵入他的地界偷猎。The farmer put up the fence expressly to stop people walking across his field.农场主围起了篱笆,目的很明确,就是为了阻止人们从他的农田里穿行。Farmers braved the winter cold to rescue the sheep.农场主们顶着冬寒营救羊群。The farm bloc in Congress is a group from different political parties that favors laws to help farmers.国会中的农场集团是主张对农场主实行优惠法律的一个跨政党团体。We're not allowed to camp here without the farmer's permission.没有农场主的许可,我们不能在此露营。Exporters, farmers and industrialists alike are vexed and blame the government.出口商、农场主和实业家们都很恼火,纷纷谴责政府。He introduced us to a number of substantial farmers.他把我们介绍给几个殷实的农场主Farmers have criticized the government's agricultural policy.农场主们批评了政府的农业政策。Settlers were primarily subsistence farmers.定居者主要是自给自足的农场主The State Water Project has shut off all supplies to farmers.州水利工程项目已切断了对农场主的所有供水。The farmers depend on a casual labour / labor supply at harvest time.农场主在收获季节需要依靠临时工。Changes in the rural economy turned many independent farmers to hired labourers.农村经济的变化使许多自立的农场主成了雇工。Farmers are the backbone of this community.农场主是这个社区的支柱。The Lowsons were reckoned to be very good farmers.洛森一家被认为是非常出色的农场主Farmers in western Canada see themselves as a milch cow for the Eastern establishment.加拿大西部的农场主觉得自己是东部当权者的摇钱树。They poached on land belonging to ranchers.他们在属于农场主的土地上偷猎。The farmer had three daughters, all three blonde and ravishing.农场主有三个女儿,个个都是金发美女。Farmers flood the fields in order to grow rice.农场主往田里灌满水以便种植水稻。There are some traditional farmers left who still make cheese the old-fashioned way.还有一些传统的农场主仍旧在用老式的方法制作奶酪。Many black Namibians are subsistence farmers who live in the arid borderlands.许多生活在土地贫瘠的边境地区的纳米比亚黑人农场主的收成仅够维持自身的口粮。The store has helped expand the British cheese market by encouraging small dairy farmers.这家商店鼓励小型奶牛场的农场主生产,从而帮助扩展了英国的奶酪市场。The farmer knows full well that his puny efforts cannot do much about the number of magpies in the whole of Scotland.这位农场主深知他的微弱之力不能对整个苏格兰喜鹊的数量产生多大影响。French farmers are in revolt over cheap imports.法国农场主正在抗议廉价的进口产品。In France, farmers are a powerful political constituency.在法国,农场主是强有力的政党支持群体。The Farmers' Club is an organisation for people involved in agriculture.农场主俱乐部是为农业界人士创办的组织。A bachelor farmer began to call, ostensibly to talk to her father, but really to see her.一位单身农场主开始前来拜访,嘴上说是找她的父亲,实际上是想见她。The farmers pay pitiful wages, often in the form of food and clothes.农场主支付的报酬少得可怜,还经常以衣食替代。Cuts in prices for milk, butter, and cheese will be offset by direct payments to farmers.通过直接付款给农场主来弥补牛奶、黄油和奶酪降价造成的损失。Farmers have appealed to the government for help.农场主恳求政府帮助。French farmers feel they've been sold out by their government in the negotiations.法国农场主感到在谈判中他们被政府出卖了。The farmer adds a supplement to the horse's feed.农场主在马的饲料中加了一份补充物。




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