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词汇 写信
例句 I feel impelled to write and tell you how disappointed I am with your newspaper.我觉得有义务写信告诉你,我对你们的报纸是多么失望。I wrote to the bank to cancel all my accounts with them.我给银行写信注销了所有账户。For a copy of their brochure, write to the above address.欲索取其宣传册,请写信至以上地址。Compose a letter to your local paper stating your views on an issue of your choice.选一个题材给当地的报纸写信谈谈你的意见。His failure to write is no sign that he has forgotten you.他没有给你写信并不表示他已把你忘了。Grandfather's always writing indignant letters to the newspaper.祖父总是愤愤不平地写信去报社。He shut himself in his room and wrote letters.他把自己关在房间里写信Further to our recent telephone conversation, I am writing to confirm our meeting.还有为了对我们最近的电话会谈作进一步的说明,我写信来确认我们的会面事宜。Write to us direct with details of your clubs.直接给我们写信,讲述一下你们俱乐部的详细情况。Penny spends her spare time writing letters and emailing friends.彭妮把闲暇时间用来给朋友写信和发电子邮件。Can you amuse yourselves while I write some letters?写信的时候,各位能否自便?Please write and let me have your thoughts on the matter.写信让我知道你对此事的看法。I consider it my duty to write to you and thank you.我认为写信向你表达谢意是我的责任。Jean sat at the table writing a letter.琼坐在桌前写信She is sure to write to you.她一定会给你写信的。She writes me regularly.她经常给我写信He wrote again, expressing gratitude for the help he had received.他再一次写信,对他得到的帮助表示感谢。What's the good of writing them a letter? They never read them anyway.给他们写信有什么用?反正他们从来也不看。Ruth wrote at once, asking Maria to postpone her visit.鲁思立刻写信,要求玛丽亚推迟来访。So there's another thing that you might like to write in to this programme about.所以,你或许还有另外一件事想写信告诉本节目。Letters have come from prisoners, declaring that they would draw the line at hitting an old lady.已经有囚犯写信来,宣称就连他们也绝对不会殴打老太太。Auntie Winnie wrote back saying Mam wasn't well enough to write.温妮姨妈回信说妈妈身体尚未康复,无法写信We must write and thank Cathy for the present.我们必须写信感谢凯茜送来礼物。Make your views known by writing to those in authority, Government departments and your MP.给权威人士、政府机关和下院议员写信,让他们知道你的观点。Thank you for giving me the address, I'll write off at once.谢谢你给了我地址,我这就写信The managing director wrote personally to thank me.总经理亲自写信向我表示感谢。He promised his mother that he would write.他向妈妈保证说会写信He wrote to say they couldn't give me a job after all.写信说他们还是不能给我一份工作。Just drop me a line when you decide on a date.一旦你确定了日期给我写信就行。I write to express my wholehearted concurrence with your analysis.写信来表达我对你的分析的由衷赞同。I had been writing him continually, trying to get him to call me.我一直给他写信,想让他给我打电话。He still writes to her sometimes and sends her a Christmas card every year.他仍然不时给她写写信,每年寄张圣诞贺卡。He wrote to ask me if I could spare half an hour to look in at him.写信问我能否抽出半小时去看看他。He hasn't written to me recently - perhaps he's lost my address.他最近没给我写信——也许他把我的地址弄丢了。I am writing to thank you for your generous gift.写信是要感谢你送的大礼。She wrote away for the book, because the shop didn't have it.因为该店无货,她写信函购这本书。If you write they will put you in touch with their local group.如果你写信去,他们会安排你和他们当地的团体联系的。I'm a terrible correspondent - I never seem to get the time to write.我很少写信——我好像从来就没空写信She harried the authorities, writing letters and gathering petitions.写信、组织请愿,不断烦扰当局。As a letter writer he had a neat turn of phrase.写信简洁明了。




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