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词汇 写作风格
例句 Critics have noted the opacity of her writing style.批评家已经指出她的写作风格晦涩难懂。Her style of writing is somewhat reminiscent of Virginia Woolf.她的写作风格有点儿像弗吉尼娅·伍尔夫。His rambling writing style just lacks precision.他散漫的写作风格恰恰缺乏精确。His quick wit and dazzling writing style have made his column a must-read.他的诙谐和令人眼花缭乱的写作风格使他的专栏成了必读文章。Davies' style of writing has been compared to Dickens'.戴维斯的写作风格被拿来与狄更斯的风格进行比较。You must write in a clear and lucid style.你的写作风格一定要清楚易懂。She writes simply and economically.她的写作风格质朴简练。Gould's pithy writing style makes it a delight to read.古尔德简洁的写作风格使得读他的作品成为一乐事。He was known for his austere style of writing.他以简洁的写作风格而闻名。One of Dickens’ great skills as a writer is the way he varies his style.狄更斯的一大写作才能就是变换写作风格The downside of the book is that it is written in a rather boring style.这本书的缺点是写作风格太单调。Her writing is less descriptive, more ruminative.她的写作风格不是描述性,而是思索性的。Do you have any trouble with Joyce's writing style?你对乔伊斯的写作风格有什么问题吗?Don't chop and change from one style to another. It confuses the reader.写作风格不要变来变去,会把读者搞糊涂的。The author's prolix style has done nothing to encourage sales of the book.这个作者冗长的写作风格无益于促进该书的销售。His writing style is well suited to this subject matter.他的写作风格很适合这种题材。She has a unique writing style.她的写作风格很独特。The writer's exclamatory style becomes tiresome after a few pages. 看了几页之后觉得作者的这种大呼小叫的写作风格实在让人厌倦。She writes in a flabby style that ruins the narrative.她的写作风格松散,破坏了整个故事。He could imitate in speech or writing most of those he admired.他能模仿大多数自己崇拜的偶像的讲话和写作风格Her style has been imitated by many other writers.她的写作风格已被许多作家仿效。Her style of writing is rather unique.她的写作风格很不寻常。His style seems too derivative of Hemingway.他模仿海明威写作风格的痕迹似乎太重了。It is written in a style which even a foreigner can read with leisure.它的写作风格使得外国人都能轻松阅读。His writing style is now boring and outdated.他的写作风格如今已显得乏味而不合时代潮流了。He writes in a formal and somewhat stilted style.他的写作风格刻板,相当生硬。I enjoy the clarity and readability of his writing style.我喜欢他清晰易读的写作风格Her writing style is simple and clear, without unnecessary flourishes.她的写作风格简单明了,没有不必要的修饰。How do you feel your writing follows in the tradition of the South?你认为你的文章在哪些方面遵循了南方的写作风格Marion has a very individual writing style.玛丽昂的写作风格与众不同。She writes with a chatty style.她的写作风格轻松随意。He has a prosaic writing style.他的写作风格很平庸。Colonial writers copied European models of style, diction, and literary form.殖民地作家模仿欧洲作家的写作风格、遣词造句和体裁。His writing style is clear and uncomplicated.他的写作风格简洁明了。If you want to be a poet, you must evolve your own style of writing.你如果想成为一名诗人,就必须逐步形成自己的写作风格She's one of those authors who has a tendency to overwrite.她是那种写作风格常会拖泥带水的作家。She has a verbose writing style.她的写作风格冗赘啰唆。




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