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词汇 写上
例句 The package is sealed; it just needs to be addressed.包裹已经封好,再写上地址就行了。Include your full postal address.写上完整的邮政地址。On a cheque, write the amount in words and in figures.支票上的金额要同时写上文字大写和数字。At the end of every day, jot down a brief note on how peppy or tired you felt.每天结束时,随便写上一小段,记下你感到多么有活力或多么疲劳。Put each question on a note card, with the answer on the back.把每个问题写在一张记事卡片上,在背面写上答案。She addressed them by hand in her beautiful italic script.她以漂亮的斜体字写上了收件人的姓名和地址。Don't forget to put your name on the exam paper.别忘了在试卷上写上你的名字。Write your name under your picture.在你的照片下面写上名字。Helga wrote her comments neatly in pencil .赫尔加用铅笔工工整整地写上自己的评语。Write your name, address, and phone number in the spaces provided.在空白处写上您的姓名、地址和电话号码。Print your name and address on a postcard and send it to us.在明信片上用印刷体写上你的名字和地址,然后邮寄给我们。If you wish to be notified of the receipt of your entry, please enclose a self-addressed, stamped postcard.如果您想在我们收到您的作品后给您确认,请随附一个写上收信人地址、贴上邮票的明信片。The children traced the map of France and then wrote in the names of the places they had visited.孩子们映描了法国地图,并写上他们到过的地名。Write your name at the top of each page.在每一页的上端写上你的名字。I'll put a note at the bottom of the card.我会在卡片的下方写上注释。Write your name here and on the other side put your phone number.在这里写上姓名,在另一面写上电话号码。He dictated the memorandum this morning and ordered his secretary to backdate it to yesterday.他今天早晨口授了那份备忘录,但吩咐秘书写上昨天的日期。Write your address in the space provided.请在空白处写上你的地址。Someone's drawn a line through my name and written in theirs.有人在我的名字上画了一条线,写上了自己的名字。Write your address on the reverse of the cheque.在支票背面写上你的地址。Please take out a piece of paper and write your name on the top.请拿出一张纸并在上方写上你的名字。The placards will carry the words: PROTECT THE BRITISH PRESS.标语牌上将写上如下文字:保护英国媒体。There is space at the bottom for your name and address.在最下面的空白处写上你的姓名和地址。The writer forgot to put her address.写信人忘了写上她的地址。You can buy an all-purpose greetings card, with blank space, for you to write in your own message.你可以买一张多用途贺卡,上面是空白的,可以写上自己的话。Don't forget to write your name at the top of your script.不要忘记在考卷顶端写上你的名字。If you think Stan would be willing to look after the kids, put his name down.如果你认为斯坦会愿意照顾孩子,就把他的名字写上吧。He wrote her name on the front and back of the envelope.他在信封的正、反面写上她的名字。Please write your name on the top of the page.请在页面的顶部写上你的名字。Make sure you sign and date it at the bottom.一定要在底下签名和写上日期。Don't forget to sign and date the application.别忘记在申请表上签名并写上日期。Please write your full name and address at the top of the form.请在表格的上端写上你的全名和详细地址。Please write your name at the top of each sheet.请在每张纸的上方写上你的名字。It's a bit like the exam syndrome where you write down everything you know regardless of what has been asked.不论问题是什么就把所知道的统统写上,这有些像典型的考试心理。Please print your name clearly in the top right hand corner of the page.请在右上角用印刷体清楚地写上您的姓名。She tore a corner off of a sheet of paper and wrote her number on it.她撕下纸的一角写上了她的电话号码。There's a space for your name and address.在空白处写上你的姓名和地址。When I'm in my creative mode , I can write for hours.当我进入创作状态时,可以一连写上好几个小时。Make sure you sign and date the form before you return it.交回表格之前一定要在上面签字并写上日期。




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