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If I may be so bold, you still haven't mentioned why you're here.我冒昧地说一句,您还没提您在这儿的原因呢。May I respectfully submit that this is not the right thing to do?我可以冒昧地指出我认为这样做不对吗?If I may be allowed to venture an opinion.请允许我冒昧地发表意见。I wouldn't presume to question your judgment.我不会冒昧地质疑你的判断。He put an uninvited arm around her shoulder.他冒昧地把手臂搭在她肩上。I took the liberty of going into Assunta's wardrobe, as it was open.阿孙塔的衣帽间开着门,于是我就冒昧地走了进去。May I take the liberty of asking you to read this booklet?我可以冒昧地请你读读这本小册子吗?I took the liberty of telling them you weren't interested.我冒昧地跟他们说了你不感兴趣。I ventured that the experiment was not conclusive.我冒昧地认为试验的结果并不确定。 |