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词汇 内在
例句 The quest for power is the underlying theme of the film.权力角逐是这部影片的内在主题She longed for inner calm.她渴望内在的平静。The underlying message of the film is that love transcends everything else.这部电影内在的中心意旨是爱超越一切。Study has an intrinsic worth, as well as helping you achieve your goals.学习不仅帮助你实现目标,而且还有内在的价值。He started taking yoga and meditation classes to get in touch with his inner self. 为了同内在的自我交流,他开始上瑜伽冥想课。The Slavophiles believed in the inherent virtue of the Russian people.亲斯拉夫的人相信俄罗斯人具有内在的好品质。Your article opened many eyes to the great dangers inherent in inflation.你的文章使许多人看清了通货膨胀内在的巨大危险。 Terri has an inner confidence that her sister lacks.特里具有她妹妹欠缺的内在的自信。The body has an inbuilt ability to heal itself.身体具有内在的自我修复能力。It comes with several inbuilt features.它具有一些内在的特征。The design of the building had inherent weaknesses.这栋房屋的设计有内在的缺陷。He should be praised for his inherent qualities, his fair-mindedness, and sense of justice.内在的品质、他的公正和正义感都应该受到赞扬。She meditates to get in touch with her inner self.她通过冥想去了解内在的自我。He has no inner resources of character to fall back on.他全无内在的性格力量可资依靠。They're more concerned with exterior beauty than interior/inner strength.他们更在意外表的美,而不是内在的/内心的力量。This is the internal logic of Anglicanism, its grammar.这是英国国教的内在逻辑,也是它的基本教义。While superficially similar, the two films have very different underlying messages.这两部电影表面上看起来类似,但内在的寓意却大相径庭。What is missing is an internal, artistic cohesion.缺乏的是一种内在的艺术凝聚力。Deep internal forces cause movements of the earth's crust.深处的内在作用力引起地壳运动。What is missing, however, is an internal, artistic cohesion.不过,缺乏的是一种内在的艺术凝聚力。Bernardo Vittone is little known outside his native Italy.伯纳多·维托内在他本国意大利之外几乎不为人知。Such reasoning seems to negate the distinctions inherent in logic.这样的推理看来是抹煞了逻辑内在的区别。Sitting Presidents hold built-in advantages when seeking another term.现任总统在谋求连任时拥有内在的有利条件。The story has an underlying theme.这故事有一个内在的主题。Our level of attraction to the opposite sex has more to do with our inner confidence than how we look.对异性吸引力的大小更大程度上取决于我们对内在的信心,而不是外表。Jesus is on a spiritual retreat, mortifying the flesh so that the spirit housed within it can flourish.耶稣在进行心灵静修,通过克制肉欲而让内在的精神得以绽放。Your essay lacks internal coherence.你的文章缺乏内在的连贯性。My analyst told me to try to find my inner adult.我的精神分析医师告诉我要努力找到自己内在的成人心态。Cézanne managed to proportion and place his forms so that they tapped an underlying, invisible order.塞尚得以均衡各种形状,塑造了一种内在的、无形的秩序。This innate immunity diminishes when birds are stressed by cold.鸟在受冻时,这种内在免疫力会逐渐减小。




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