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词汇 兼职
例句 Most employees have second jobs simply to subsist.为了糊口,大多数雇员都做着兼职She moonlighted as a waitress.她晚上兼职做服务员。Several employees will be downshifting from full-time to part-time. 几名雇员将从全职转为兼职She works part-time at the restaurant.她在这家餐馆做兼职My part-time job is sending a popular handout to people in a street.我的兼职是在街上派传单。I'm part-time. I work three days a week.我做兼职,一周工作三天。She works part-time in a shop.她在一家店铺兼职He sometimes does a bit of gardening on the side when he is short of money.他缺钱用时有时也会兼职做点园艺工作。He has several sidelines, none of which pay very much.他有好几份兼职,但都挣钱不多。Give details of relevant work experience during the last two years, e.g. weekend or holiday jobs.请详细列出最近两年内相关的工作经历,例如周末兼职或假期打工。I work part-time in a library.我在一家图书馆兼职He makes a little money on the side by cleaning windows in his spare time.他靠业余时间兼职清洗窗户赚些零用钱。Sarton has been moonlighting for five years to supplement his income.萨顿五年来一直在晚上兼职以贴补收入。Part-time barman required. Hours and salary negotiable.招聘兼职酒吧男服务员,工作时间及薪金面议。Part-time workers should not receive less favourable treatment than full-timers.兼职员工的待遇不应低于全职员工。He had found himself a nice little sideline painting windows.他为自己找了一份不错的兼职,就是给窗户刷油漆。She got a part-time job to earn some extra money.她为了多挣些钱做了份兼职She works for her father doing part-time secretarial duties.她为她父亲做兼职的秘书工作。He did part-time work as an usher in a theatre.他在一家戏院兼职当引座员。I had a part-time job as a refuse collector.兼职做垃圾收集工作。She works part time as a tutor for Spanish.兼职做西班牙语的私人老师。A part-time bookkeeper will relieve you of the burden of chasing unpaid invoices and paying bills.雇一个兼职会计将使你摆脱追讨未付单据和支付账单的负担。She is a secretary who moonlights as a waitress on weekends.她是个秘书,周末在餐馆兼职当服务员。The new law protects most workers, but excludes those on part-time contracts.新法律保护了大多数工人,但把那些签有兼职合同的工人排除在外。He'd done lots of part-time work, but this was his first proper job.他做过许多兼职,但这是他的第一份正式工作。His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barber's.他出色的美发手艺很快就让他在当地的发廊谋得了一份兼职She's found some part-time secretarial work.她找到了一份兼职的秘书工作。She works part-time at the office.她在办公室做兼职She works part-time to top up her income.她做兼职以挣够预期的收入。Part-time workers often work in low-paid occupations.兼职员工通常从事的是低薪职位。She started an after-school job so she could buy a car.她开始做一份课外兼职,为的是能买辆车。He supplements his income with part-time or home work.他靠兼职或在家工作来贴补收入。The new law will benefit people in part-time work.这项新法律对兼职人士有利。He works part-time as an announcer for a local radio station.他在当地一家电台兼职,担任播音员。Ford is looking for part-time sales staff.福特公司在招聘兼职销售员工。Some police officers moonlight as security guards.有些警察晚上兼职做保安员。Carlos is an auto mechanic who moonlights fixing the cars of friends.卡洛斯是一名汽车修理工,他晚上兼职给朋友修理汽车。I'd be happy with a part-time job, as long as the wages were ok.只要报酬还可以的话,有一份兼职的工作我就满足了。There are lots of students working part-time or at casual jobs.有很多学生做兼职或临时工作。Part-time workers are demanding parity with their full-time colleagues.兼职工人要求与全职的同事享有同等待遇。




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