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词汇 养活
例句 She's been living off her parents long enough. It's time for her to get a job and start earning her keep.她长久以来一直靠父母养活。现在到了她找工作自己谋生的时候了。It is honorable to earn a living with your hands.靠双手劳动来养活自己是光荣的。He doesn't earn enough to feed a family of four.他赚的钱不够养活一家四口。It was a struggle trying to feed a family of five on my salary.要靠我的工资养活一家五口并不容易。She keeps the family on two hundred pounds a week.她靠每周两百英镑养活一家人。He has a wife and three children to support.他要养活妻子和三个孩子。She has an independent income.她有一份足以养活自己的收入。It's hard to make enough money to provide for such a large family.要挣到足够的钱来养活这一大家子是很难的。She found herself with two small children, a sick husband, and no money.她发觉自己有两个年幼的孩子和一个患病的丈夫,却没钱养活他们。With a dependent wife and children, he can't afford to lose his job.妻子和孩子都靠他养活,他不能丢了工作。His salary was pitifully inadequate for the needs of his growing family.他的工资少得可怜,不够养活添丁增口的家庭。He provides for his family.养活他的家人。She had two children to support and no money coming in.她要养活两个孩子,却没有任何收入。I have no idea how he's supporting himself.我不知道他是怎么养活自己的。He will do anything to earn his keep. 为了养活自己,他什么都愿意干。He thinks there's great shame in being out of work and unable to provide for his family.他认为没有工作、无法养活家人是一件很丢脸的事情。It's hard to support a family on that stingy salary.靠如此菲薄的薪金难以养活一家。How can we feed a hungry world?我们如何养活一个饥饿的世界?He has a wife and two young children to provide for.他要养活妻子和两个小孩。It is honourable to earn a living with your hands.靠双手劳动来养活自己是光荣的。I went to college anyway, as a part-time student, paying my own way.不管怎样我还是去上大学了,半工半读来养活自己。A life insurance policy enables you to provide for your family after your death.一份人寿保险能够使你在死后继续有钱养活家人。Feeding a hungry family can be expensive.养活饥肠辘辘的一家人开支可能会很大。A smallholding in the hills could not support a large family.山间的一小块耕地是不可能养活一大家人的。I earn just enough to keep myself.我挣的钱刚刚够养活我自己。Her income is not sufficient to support her family.她的收入不够养活家人。The country is unable to feed its population.这个国家无法养活其人民。Hank supported himself for years by doing construction work.汉克多年来就靠做建筑工养活自己。He has an ailing father and two younger brothers to support.他要养活生病的父亲和两个弟弟。More food supplies are needed to feed the starving population.需要更多的食品供应来养活饥饿的人们。He was barely earning enough to maintain himself.他挣的钱勉强够养活自己。How can the world support all these hungry mouths?世界如何养活这些饥饿的人?His mother had had a hard life - had worked her fingers to the bone bringing up six children.他妈妈日子过得很苦一拼命干活养活六个孩子。A lot of people can barely earn enough to support themselves, let alone their families.许多人挣的钱几乎无法养活自己,更不要说家人了。He has a wife and two children to support.他要养活妻子和两个孩子。That lazybones has been sponging off his brother for years.那个懒汉多年来一直靠兄弟养活他。I have no idea how I am going to support myself.我不知道要怎么养活我自己。He has the burden of a large family on his shoulders.他肩负着养活一大家子人的重担。He could no longer afford to feed his family.他再也无力养活自己的家人了。She had stinted herself in order to feed me.她自己省吃俭用来养活我。




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