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词汇 养分
例句 Blood flows through the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients and removing waste materials from the tissues.血液在身体内流动,输送氧气和养分,清除组织里的垃圾。Work in a balanced fertilizer before planting.种植前加入养分均衡的肥料。Plants absorb nutrients from the soil.植物从土壤中吸收养分It's good soil - full of nutrients.这土壤肥沃——养分很足。The pond is quite small but can support many aquatic plants and fish.池塘虽小,但能为许多水生植物和鱼类提供足够的养分The soil has been so heavily leached through intensive farming that it is no longer fertile.过度耕作使养分大量流失导致土地贫瘠。Every animal in the food chain draws nourishment from other animals or plants.食物链中的每一种动物都从其他动物或植物中获取养分The soil has been depleted by years of drought.连年干旱使土壤耗尽了养分Removal of the natural vegetation has resulted in a loss of nutrients in the soil.破坏天然植被造成了土壤养分的流失。Work in a balanced fertiliser before planting.种植前加入养分均衡的肥料。The plant absorbs nutrients from the soil.这种植物从土壤中吸取养分Over-intensive farming had exhausted the supply of nutrients in the soil.过度密集的耕作已耗尽了土壤中的养分He ventured that plants draw part of their nourishment from the air.他大胆提出植物从空气中吸收部分养分的观点。




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