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词汇 兵役
例句 He opposes the call-up of more troops.他反对扩大兵役Karl attended college after military service.卡尔服过兵役之后上了大学。He had avoided military service by hiring a substitute.他雇了人代替自己,因而逃避了兵役She was on active duty for two years.她服了两年的兵役They were apparently exempt from military service.他们显然免除了兵役Banks spent his national service in the Royal Navy.班克斯在皇家海军服过兵役He has been fighting off accusations that he shirked his wartime duties.他一直在竭力摆脱关于他逃避服战时兵役的指控。He went back to college after doing his hitch in the army.服完兵役后他又回到了大学。He did a year's military service.他服过一年兵役I did two years national service.我服了两年兵役Carling eventually bought himself out of the army.卡林最终花钱免除了兵役He burned his draft card.他烧掉了自己的兵役应征卡。The boy had enlisted, but his parents were able to buy him off.这青年已入伍,但他父母花钱为他免去了兵役After a stint in the army, Bill worked in sales.服了一段时间的兵役后,比尔从事销售行业。




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