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词汇 兴高采烈
例句 The children sailed into the pile of cakes and in minutes the cakes were gone.孩子们兴高采烈地开始吃蛋糕,不一会蛋糕就被吃完了。The girls had been plotting Antonia's party in great excitement.女孩子们已经在暗地里兴高采烈地筹划安东尼娅的聚会了。Her gaiety helped to make the evening party a success.兴高采烈的情绪有助于晚会的成功。The crowd let out an exultant cheer.人群发出一阵兴高采烈的欢呼。There was euphoria after the elections.选举后一片兴高采烈The crowd cheered in exultation.人群兴高采烈地欢呼。They were in high spirits after winning the game.比赛获胜后他们兴高采烈He bounced into the office, full of the joys of spring.兴高采烈地蹦跳着进了办公室。They rejoiced in their deliverance from prison.他们因出狱而兴高采烈The joyous guests overflowed his house, smoked his cigars and drank his health.兴高采烈的宾客挤满了他的屋子,抽他的雪茄烟并为他的健康干杯。The little girl was chattering gaily all the way.那小女孩一路上兴高采烈地说个不停。After he won, he lived through a day or two of euphoria.取胜后,他过了一两天兴高采烈的日子。She presents such a cheerful front that you'd never guess she's ill.她看上去兴高采烈的,你根本猜不到她正在生病。Duncan and his triumphant soldiers celebrate their military victory.邓肯和他那些兴高采烈的士兵庆祝他们作战胜利。When the children saw the snow they celebrated.孩子们看见了雪一个个兴高采烈The euphoria is giving way to a more sober assessment of the situation.兴高采烈的情绪不见了,取而代之的是对局面更为清醒的认识。The crowd waiting to see the parade effervesced with excitement.等着看游行队伍的人群情绪激动,兴高采烈The fans cheered triumphantly.崇拜者们兴高采烈地欢呼。All the children were in high spirits on the last day of school.要放假了,所有的孩子都兴高采烈She ran back home with delight.兴高采烈地跑回家。When I arrived, Diana was already in animated conversation with Mr Summers.我到达的时候,黛安娜已经在跟萨默斯先生兴高采烈地交谈了。As he ended his trip, the usually upbeat Mr. Liebenow was in a pensive mood.利本诺先生旅行结束后,通常兴高采烈的他显得心事重重。They are both very cheerful in spite of their colds.他们俩虽然感冒了,可都兴高采烈的。Joyfully, we receive the nourishment of heavenly manna.我们兴高采烈地接受从天而降的精神食粮的滋养。She is a smiling, cheerful girl.她是个满面笑容,兴高采烈的女孩子。They all joined enthusiastically in the dancing.他们都兴高采烈地加入了跳舞的人群。They were dancing with/in glee.他们兴高采烈地跳着舞。He was always cheerful.他总是兴高采烈的。She has all the glee of a little girl let loose in a sweetie shop.她像糖果店里无人管束的小女孩那样兴高采烈He talked of his trip to HongKong in a cheerful voice.兴高采烈地谈了他的香港之行。She opened her presents with glee.兴高采烈地打开礼物。There was a hubbub of excited conversation from over a thousand people.一千多人在兴高采烈地大声交谈,场面无比喧闹。Radicals were jubilant at getting rid of him.激进分子因为除掉了他而兴高采烈The park was full of gleeful children playing on sleds.公园里满是兴高采烈的孩子乘着雪橇在玩。He looks cheerful yet somehow sad at the same time.他看起来兴高采烈,但不知怎么地却又很悲伤。In this type of mental illness, the usual pattern is bouts of depression alternating with elation.这种精神病通常的发病症状是时而萎靡不振,时而兴高采烈They shouted with delight.他们兴高采烈地叫起来。The four men were greeted by jubilant relatives upon their release.四名男子获释后受到亲属们兴高采烈地欢迎。His success in the contest elated him.他因在竞赛中获胜而兴高采烈One fisherman waxed lyrical about the variety of fish in the river.一个渔夫兴高采烈地谈论河里各种各样的鱼。




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