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例句 Surgery for varicose veins comes under the heading of cosmetic surgery.静脉曲张手术属于美容外科类手术。Private morality, in crude terms, is not the law's business.简单地说吧,个人道德不属于法律的范畴。A crotchet and a minim are both types of musical note.四分音符和二分音符都属于音符类型。The spiny anteater is a mammal, although a very primitive one.针鼹属于哺乳动物,尽管是非常原始的一种。The bill leaves it up to the courts to decide what is obscene.该法案规定应由法院裁决哪些属于淫秽内容。What you think about this probably depends on which school of economics you belong to.你对此事的观点可能取决于你属于哪一个经济学派。I don't feel as though I belong here.我觉得我似乎不属于这里。Such a decision is not within the range of my responsibility.做这样的决定不属于我的职责范围。I've been done out of what was rightfully mine!我被剥夺了理应属于我的东西。Whales belong among the mammals, not fish. 鲸应属于哺乳类动物,而非鱼类。He's clearly of a very different stamp.他显然属于完全不同的一类人。Sovereignty resides with the people.主权属于人民。She belongs to the Chartered Institute of Management.属于英国特许管理协会。The couple were well-educated and well-connected members of an elite social class.这对夫妇受过良好教育,属于有上层社会关系的精英阶层。The jury had to decide whether he killed John Bishop intentionally or whether it was an accident.陪审团得裁定他是故意杀害约翰·毕晓普的,还是这属于意外事件。He dismissed the report as speculation.他认为这个报告属于臆测而不予理会。His films tip into melodrama.他的电影属于情节剧。She was reluctant to intervene in what was essentially a private dispute.她不愿介入这种本质上属于私人性质的争端。On a scale of one to ten, ten being best, his new movie is a two.按一级到十级的标准,十级为最佳的等级,他的新影片属于二级。Kung fu and karate are martial arts.功夫和空手道都属于武术。His creative output falls into three distinct categories.他的富有创意的作品分属于三个不同的类别。The site abuts property owned by the local council.该地址与一处属于当地议会的地产相邻。Most wikis are collaborative websites.大多数维基网站属于协同工作网站。They belong to a younger generation.他们属于较年轻的一代。He claimed the articles were libellous and damaging to the interests of the team.他声称那些文章属于诽谤,损害了该团队的利益。That last piece of cake has my name on it.最后的那块蛋糕是属于我的。Some information may not be discoverable, either because it is not relevant to the case or is classified.一些信息也许是不可寻见的,这可能因为该信息与案件无关,也可能因为属于机密。Box Hill is a suburb of Melbourne.博士山属于墨尔本的近郊住宅区。The exact ingredients of Coca-Cola are a trade secret.可口可乐的确切成分属于商业秘密。These problems are economic in nature.这些问题从性质上讲属于经济范畴。They belong to a fundamentalist church.他们属于一个原教旨主义的教会。The brightest stars are of the first magnitude.最亮的星星属于第一星等。This word falls into the class of verbs.这个词属于动词类。Many legal issues are within the competence of individual states rather than the federal government.许多法律事务都属于各州的权限范围,而不属于联邦政府。The house properly belongs to his sister.这栋房子实际上属于他姐姐。This matter comes within the purview of the Department of Health.这件事属于卫生部的管辖范围。The estate belongs of right to him.这块地产按理属于他。The temperature is normal for spring.这种气温在春天属于正常。These fields boast among the highest professional wages in the nation.这些领域有着全国行业中属于最高的薪酬。He seems to be very much part of the Marxist school in his approach to politics.他的政治方向似乎在很大程度上属于马克思主义流派。




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