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The old school tie still has enormous power in such companies.在这样的公司里,老校友关系网仍然有很大的影响力。He used his party connections to get a government job.他利用他的党派关系网在政府部门谋得一份工作。Success is all about networking.成功的要诀是建立良好的关系网。He got his job through the old boy network.他靠老同学关系网谋到这份差事。The family unit is supported by its integration into a wider social network.这个家庭由于融入更广阔的社会关系网而得到帮助。He heard of it through the old boy network.他通过老同学关系网得知了此事。The old-boy network still operates in some City banks.在某些城市商业银行,老同学关系网仍然管用。We have a nationwide network of financial advisors.我们有一个全国范围的财务顾问关系网。 |