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The communists were particularly strong in the big industrial cities.共产党人在大工业城市中势力特别大。Miller refused to testify and paid for it by being labelled a communist.米勒拒绝作证,因此付出了代价—他被说成是共产党人。His first move after taking office was to appoint four communists to his cabinet.他上任后的第一步就是在内阁中任命了四名共产党人。They have tried to realign themselves with the communists.他们试图再次站到共产党人这一边。The party is allied with the Communists.该党与共产党人结成联盟。Both the far-left Communists and the far-right National Alliance are calling for new elections.极左的共产党人和极右的国民联盟都在呼吁进行新的选举。 |