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词汇 公爵
例句 He was rumoured to be the natural son of a duke.谣传他是某位公爵的私生子。The story was inspired by a chance meeting with an old Russian duke.这个故事的创作灵感来自与一位俄国老公爵的不期而遇。It was nice to read that the Duke will not be sending his son off to boarding school.得知公爵不会把儿子送到寄宿学校真让人高兴。The house belonged to the Duke of Wellington, and his picture hangs in the hall.这宅子属于威灵顿公爵,他的画像悬挂在大厅里。His efforts, the Duke recollected many years later, were distinctly half-hearted.公爵许多年之后的回忆,他当时明显只是敷衍了事。The Duke of Wellington met the French near the village of Waterloo.惠灵顿公爵在滑铁卢附近与法国人交锋。He invented the Duke of Edinburgh's Awards for enterprising youngsters.他为有进取心的年轻人创设了爱丁堡公爵奖。The Duke of Clarence will be there, and many of your grander friends.克拉伦斯公爵将会到场,还有你很多更不可一世的朋友。The Duke's study was very masculine, with deep red wall-covering and dark oak shelving.公爵的书房颇具阳刚气,深红色墙纸,深色的橡木搁板。The statue is presumably not intended as a likeness of the Duke.这个雕像可能并非有意雕成公爵的样子。The duke drove to the race in a smart turnout.公爵乘着十分气派的马车,前簇后拥去看比赛。The Duke's home is situated in an attractive part of central London.公爵府位于伦敦中心城区一个迷人的地方。The Duke was not well enough to carry out such an exacting task.公爵身体不太好,无法执行那么艰巨的任务。The duke did well by people in humble stations.那位公爵善待地位低下的人。The Duke signed away his inheritance.公爵签字放弃继承遗产。The duke was surprised by his wife's omission from the guest list.公爵对他的夫人未在获邀宾客之列感到意外。The Duke's family seat is at Alnwick Castle in Northumberland.公爵的家宅在诺森伯兰郡的阿尼克城堡。If you want the real McCoy, then you have to look out for the sign of the ducal crown which signifies the approved product.如果你想要真货,那你就得留意看上面是否有认证产品应有的公爵冠冕标识。The main thing about the duke and duchess wasn't their duplicity, but their invincible stupidity.公爵公爵夫人的主要问题不是口是心非,而是无可救药的愚蠢。Lord Luce's capitulation to pressure from the Duke of Edinburgh has stored up huge problems for the future.卢斯勋爵迫于爱丁堡公爵的压力作了让步,为日后埋下了巨大隐患。The Duke resents being seen as a moneyed idler.公爵对别人把他看作钱包鼓鼓、游手好闲的人感到气愤。The duke might be concealing a secret from me.公爵可能有秘密隐瞒我。Last year I had the honour of meeting the Duke of Edinburgh.去年我有幸见到了爱丁堡公爵She is descended from the Duke of Marlborough.她是马尔伯勒公爵的后裔。The hunt was held on land owned by the Duke of Marlborough.猎狐活动在马尔伯勒公爵的庄园举行。The king sent two heralds to the duke.国王派了两名传令官到公爵那里去。In Shakespeare's play "Twelfth Night", Duke Orsino falls in love with the disguised Viola.在莎士比亚的戏剧《第十二夜》中,奥西诺公爵爱上了乔装打扮的薇奥拉。The Duke of York will be in attendance at tonight's gala concert.约克公爵将出席今晚的节日音乐会。The Palace has announced that the Duke and Duchess are to separate.王室宣布公爵公爵夫人即将分居。The Duke took pride in his rude manners.公爵以自己的粗俗为傲。The duke challenged him to a duel.公爵要求与他决斗。The paintings were left to the nation by the Duke of Norfolk in lieu of inheritance taxes.诺福克公爵把这些画留给了国家,以代替交纳遗产税。The Duke loved to entertain when he was staying at Windsor.公爵住在温莎城堡时,喜欢大宴宾客。Napoleon was defeated by the Duke of Wellington at the battle of Waterloo.拿破仑在滑铁卢战役中被惠灵顿公爵击败。The duke's memoirs will be serialised in the Sunday Times.公爵的自传将在《星期日泰晤士报》上连载。The duke's memoirs will be serialised in The Sunday Times.公爵的回忆录将在《星期日泰晤士报》上连载。The Duke of Ormond led a military rebellion against the new king.奥蒙德公爵领导了反对新国王的军事叛乱。Anna had never seen a real live duke before.安娜之前从未见过公爵真人。The Duke of Kent is a cousin of the Queen.肯特公爵是女王的表兄。The duke is understandably proud of her.公爵自然会为她感到自豪。




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