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词汇 公正
例句 The game had been cleanly fought.比赛进行得公平公正The commission played a straight bat last night.委员会昨天晚上的行为非常公正His enemies tried to railroad him to prison without a fair trial.他的敌人企图不经公正审判就把他下狱。She always marks fairly.她评分总是很公正Also up for discussion will be the conduct of free and fair elections.同样提出来讨论的还有如何进行自由公正的选举。I think your criticisms of Mr Ward are completely unjustified.我认为你对沃德先生的批评完全不公正Despite the discrimination they suffered, my grandparents remained fair, decent, good people.我的祖父母虽然遭受了歧视,却依然为人公正,老实而善良。I believe I acted fairly when I expelled those students.我相信我把那些学生开除是公正的。The two issues need to be separated to discuss them fairly.这两个问题需要区别开来,进行公正的讨论。In a just society there must be a system whereby people can seek redress through the courts.在一个公正的社会中,一定会有一套人们可以通过法庭寻求赔偿的体制。Anti-government protesters have been heartened by recent government promises of free and fair elections.政府最近承诺的自由公正的选举鼓舞了反政府示威者。A just judge will try to make the punishment fit the crime.公正的法官会尽量做到罪罚相当。The decision was made without bias.这个判决是公正的。He failed to rule his people justly.他没能做到公正治民。It seemed only right that someone else should be given a chance.应该给别人一个机会,这样似乎才公正The government's action reeks with injustice.政府的行动完全不公正I am fairly objective and not given to impulsive actions.我客观公正,而且不会感情用事。No just government would allow this kind of treatment of its own citizens.任何一个公正的政府都不会允许自己的公民受到如此对待。I wish the article had approached the issue with a bit more detachment.我真希望当时那篇文章更公正地对待这一问题。This figure alone is not a fair measure of our success.单凭这个数字不能公正地衡量我们的成功。As a matter of fairness, he should be allowed to give his version of events.为了公正起见,应该允许他也提出他对事情的说法。These men are criminals, but they must be dealt with justly.这些人是罪犯,但也必须受到公正的对待。She was trying to do her job honestly and fairly.她努力诚实并公正地对待自己的工作。There was concern that reports in the media would prejudice the jury.有人担心媒体的报道会影响陪审团的公正Everyone should have recourse to the courts for justice.所有人都应通过法庭寻求公正Privilege determined by birth is an offence to any modern sense of justice.与生俱来的特权是对现代公正意识的亵渎。Judges need to be impartial.法官应该是公正的。He only wants freedom, justice, and equality.他只要自由、公正和平等。Despite his weaknesses, he was a fair man.虽然他有些缺点,他仍是一个公正的人。There is no clear and unbiased information available for consumers.消费者没有清晰、公正的信息可参考。She tries to be a fair and neutral journalist.她努力成为一名公正的、政治中立的新闻工作者。I can guarantee he will get a prompt and fair hearing.我可以保证他会得到及时、公正的审讯。The jury's verdict was a negation of justice. 陪审团的裁决有违公正Was Pollard's life sentence just or was it too severe?判处波拉德终身监禁是公正合理还是量刑过重?Their reputation for fairness is a matter for pride.他们公正的名声值得自豪。The team are feeling very hard done by — it wasn't a fair decision at all.队员们都觉得很不公平,这根本就不是个公正的决定。It is essential that he should have a fair trial.给他一个公正的审判是最基本的。We aim to provide a service that is balanced and unbiased.我们的目标是提供一种公平公正的服务。The teachers are fair and avoid favouritism and scapegoating.教师们很公正,杜绝偏袒和乱扣帽子。Everyone has the right to a fair trial.人人都有权接受公正的审判。




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