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We will discuss the matter on the table.我们将公开讨论这一件事。There's often a conspiracy of silence surrounding bullying in schools.关于学校里恃强凌弱的行为往往有不公开讨论的约定。Subjects like death and loneliness are regularly given an airing on the show.死亡和孤独这样的话题经常在这个节目中公开讨论。In Britain, cases which are sub judice cannot be discussed in the media.在英国,审理中的案件不能在媒体上公开讨论。We are entering into dangerous waters whenever we discuss religion in public.每当我们公开讨论宗教时,就会陷入错综复杂的困境之中。A full airing of the issue is scheduled.已安排对此问题进行充分的公开讨论。Sexual explicitness is the order of the day.公开讨论性话题如今是司空见惯的事。In the public discussion of nuclear policies, technology has usually been overemphasized and morality neglected.核政策的公开讨论往往过分强调技术层面,却忽略了道德问题。Workers should be allowed full ventilation of all their difficulties.工人们应被允许公开讨论他们所有的困难。While we're able to broach the subject of sex, money rarely gets an airing.虽然我们能公开讨论性的话题,但却很少谈及金钱的问题。She and her family agreed never to discuss the matter publicly.她和家人一致同意,绝不公开讨论那件事。The question of security needs to be debated publicly.安全问题需要公开讨论。We'll give the plan an airing at the next meeting.我们将在下次会议上公开讨论这个计划。Littman refused to discuss the case publicly.利特曼拒绝公开讨论此案。This problem has never been discussed openly before.这个问题以前从未公开讨论过。The meetings give employees the opportunity to express their views or air grievances.这些会议给雇员机会发表个人观点或公开讨论各种不满。The movie show was followed by an open forum on editing techniques.电影放映后举行了一个有关剪辑技术的公开讨论会。 |