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词汇 bullied
例句 The government says it will not be bullied by the press.政府声称不会屈服于新闻媒体的压力。Vic was bullied by his father and persecuted by his sisters.维克受到他父亲的欺凌和姐妹们的刁难。His boss bullied him into working overtime.老板胁迫他加班。I was bullied horrendously to the point where I wanted to kill myself.我受到骇人听闻的欺侮,恨不得自杀。We are concerned by complaints that children are being bullied.我们很关心有关孩子们受到欺侮的投诉。Mr Adams was repeatedly bullied and picked on by manageress Elizabeth Archer.女经理伊丽莎白·阿彻多次胁迫和刁难亚当斯先生。The government says it will not be bullied by the press.政府声称不会受媒体的胁迫。Many children who can't or don't conform are often bullied.很多不能或不按规矩行事的小孩常常被人欺负。I think Susan is being bullied at school, but every time I try to broach the matter with her she refuses to talk about it.我觉得苏珊在学校被人欺负了,但每次我想向她提这件事,她都不愿意谈。Tell children to tell a grown-up if they're being bullied.告诉孩子们,如果被人欺负就告诉大人。He bullied his younger brothers.他欺负过他的几个弟弟。Get the children to tell a grown-up if they're being bullied.跟孩子们说,如果被人欺负就告诉大人。I wanted to tell you everything but he bullied me out of it.我想把一切都告诉你,但他吓唬我不让讲。The child was bullied almost out of its life.这小孩差一点吓掉了魂。The new boy was constantly bullied at school.新来的男孩在校老是被人欺侮。He was a weakly child and bullied by his schoolmates.他身体孱弱,经常被同学欺侮。I asked her if she was bullied by the other children.我问她有没有被别的孩子欺负。Buck never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his principles.巴克从来不会因为受到威胁而做违背自己原则的事情。Our survey indicates that one in four children is bullied at school.我们的调查表明,有四分之一的孩子在学校受人欺负。When her younger brother was being bullied she leapt to his defence.弟弟遭人欺负,她就挺身而出保护他。Ben didn't want to study law, but his father bullied him into it by threatening to cut off his allowance.本不想学习法律,但他父亲以断绝他的生活费作威胁强迫他学。The kids were often bullied into giving up their lunch money.孩子们经常被胁迫交出午餐钱。




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