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词汇 两截
例句 In a severe gale the ship split in two.在一次大风中,船断成了两截The car was almost torn in half in the crash but amazingly the driver was unhurt.汽车在撞车事故中几乎被撞成两截,但不可思议的是,驾驶者却没有受伤。The wind snapped the mast in half.大风把桅杆吹断为两截The knife had snapped in two from the ferocity of the attack.这把刀因攻击的力度太猛烈而断为两截I broke the stick in two/half. = I broke the stick into two pieces.我把棍子折成了两截The ship hit a rock and split in two.轮船触礁后,断裂成了两截She picked up the pencil and snapped it in two.她拿起铅笔,啪地折成两截




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