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例句 The police have released a video clip of the attack.警方公布了那次袭击的一小段录像。The names of the victims are being withheld until the relatives have been informed.受害者名单要在通知其亲属后才公布He ordered disclosure of a medical report in pursuance of an investigation of murder.他下令公布谋杀案调查过程中得出的医学检查报告。They will publish any dirt they can find on their political opponents.他们将公布所有能够收集到的关于他们政治对手的丑闻。We're still waiting for our exam results to come through.我们仍在等待考试成绩公布The committee plans on publishing their findings.委员会准备公布他们的调查结果。The committee has just published its biannual report.委员会刚刚公布了半年报告。British Airways has announced disappointing results for the first half of the year.英国航空公司公布了上半年令人失望的业绩。Journalists draw on both published and unofficial information from many different sources.新闻记者利用来自许多不同来源的已公布和非官方消息。A report of the company's earnings is published annually.公司每年都公布收益报告。He unveiled domestic policy proposals.公布了国内政策提议。Martial law was immediately declared.戒严令迅速公布Some of Australia's largest listed companies are expected to announce huge interim earnings this week.一些澳大利亚最大的上市公司预计本周公布巨额的中期盈利。They announced plans to move the company out of the state.他们公布了将公司迁到州外的计划。The details of the reforms are to be released officially next month.改革的详细情况将在下个月正式公布Mr Werner unveiled his new strategy this week.沃纳先生本周公布了其新策略。Hopes of economic recovery were dealt a body blow by this latest announcement.最新公布的消息对经济复苏的希望是个沉重打击。When the results of the fraud investigation were announced last week, the staff came up smelling of roses.上星期公布的诈骗案调查结果证明员工们是清白的。The election results have not been made public.选举结果尚未公布The publication of their findings created an immediate controversy.他们的发现公布之后立刻引起了争议。Tributes flooded in when her death was announced.她去世的消息公布后,人们纷纷表示哀悼。Reports are published quarterly.报告按季度公布So, the new manager has been appointed - should we put the word out?那么,已经任命了新的经理——我们应不应该公布这一消息?The wide spread publication of traffic laws helps prevent accidents.广泛公布交通法规有助于防止事故的发生。The figures of the missing will be published tomorrow.失踪人数明天公布We may announce the winners as early as tomorrow.我们也许明天就可以公布获胜者。The government has announced its decision.政府公布了最终决策。The part of the report that includes classified information was removed before the report was made public.报告中的涉密信息在公布之前已被删除。The restaurant is required to post a list of all the prices.要求餐馆公布所有的价目表。He posted the second best lap in the time trials.公布了本次计时赛亚军的圈速。The committee is expected to release its findings this summer.委员会有望在今年夏天公布其调查结果。The findings of the court will be published on Wednesday.法庭的裁决将于星期三公布They announced their discovery to the world.他们向全世界公布了他们的发现。The official number of people carrying the AIDS virus is low.官方公布的艾滋病病毒携带者人数并不多。The final selection of winners will be announced at the end of the event.最终的获胜人选将在活动结束时公布The government publishes figures every six months showing how many people are unemployed.政府每半年公布一次失业人数。The company's earnings for last year are published in the annual report.公司去年的盈利公布在年度报告上。The nationalities of the plane crash victims have not yet been released.飞机失事罹难者的国籍尚未公布Do not give any technical details of the product at this stage.在本阶段不要公布此产品任何技术细节。Friends of the actor paid tribute to his talent and expressed shock as news of his death became public.那位演员的死讯公布后,他的朋友纷纷赞扬他的天赋并表达震惊之情。




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