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词汇 全班
例句 The class split into several small groups.全班分为几个小组。The flu virus infected almost the entire class.全班几乎人人都染上了流行性感冒病毒。After lunch, the class reassembled.午饭后,全班再次集中到一起。He was always bottom of the class.他一直是全班的最后一名。His uncontrolled behaviour disturbed the entire class.他放肆的举动扰乱了全班的秩序。As a new teacher I was very unsure of myself when I was in front of a class.作为一名新教师站在全班面前时,我很不自信。Because we took the whole class for a complete afternoon session, organizational problems were minimal.我们带着全班上了整整一个下午的课,所以课堂安排上基本没什么问题。His uncontrolled behavior disturbed the entire class.他放肆的举动扰乱了全班的秩序。It is morally unjustifiable to punish a whole class for the actions of one or two of its members.因为一两个学生的行为就惩罚全班在道义上是说不过去的。The teacher split the class into groups.老师把全班分成了若干小组。He barked the squad to attention.他厉声命令全班兵士立正。Two or three badly behaved children are causing all the problems in the class.两三个捣蛋鬼就搅得全班不太平。The teacher froze the noisy class with a single look.老师一瞪眼,全班吵闹的学生立刻动也不敢动。When given the order, the squad aimed their weapons.命令一下,全班士兵端起武器瞄准。She congratulated herself for getting the best grade in her class.她为自己得了全班最高分而感到高兴。His gaze raked the class, killing the sound in each face.他的目光扫视着全班,学生们一个个都不敢作声了。He leads his class in English.他的英语成绩全班第一。The teacher split up the class into three groups.老师把全班分成三组。Jessica went to Yale after graduating at the top of her high-school class.杰茜卡在以全班第一的成绩中学毕业后进入了耶鲁大学。It's unfair to punish a whole class for the actions of one or two students.因为个别同学的行为而惩罚全班是不公平的。The class learned about how caterpillars undergo metamorphosis to become butterflies.全班学习了毛毛虫是如何变成蝴蝶的。Ten adults accompanied the class on their field trip.十位成年人陪同全班进行了野外考察。She came out with the second highest marks in the class.她考试成绩是全班第二名。The teacher gave the class a test.老师让全班做了个测验。I hate reading out my work in class - I'm scared that people are going to laugh at me.我很讨厌当着全班把我的作业读出来,我怕同学们会嘲笑我。His wiseass comments got him thrown out of class.他自以为是的评论遭到全班的反感。The Sergeant-Major, his face as red as a turkey-cock, was abusing the squad.那个满脸涨得通红的军士长正在怒气冲冲地责骂全班士兵。If there are any further interruptions, the whole class will stay behind.如果再有干扰,全班放学后留下来。The teacher expounded the topic to the class.教师向全班讲解这一论题。He was comfortably ahead of his class in mathematics.他的数学稳得全班第一。The class answered with a resounding no.全班给出了一个彻底否定的回答。She gave the whole class extra homework for a week.她给全班额外布置了一星期的家庭作业。The teacher set the class four problems to do.老师给全班布置了四道题。He was not perhaps physically the strongest in the class.他可能不是全班身体最壮的。He introduced himself to the class.他向全班做了自我介绍。He got the worst mark in the whole class.他的成绩是全班最差的。He knows more than the whole class put together.他知道的比全班人所知道的加起来还多。She spoke to the class.她向全班讲话。Because we took the whole class for a complete afternoon session, organisational problems were minimal.我们带着全班上了整整一个下午的课,所以课堂安排上基本没什么问题。In a voice full of reproach, she told him that he had let down the whole class.她用充满责备的语气对他说,他令全班失望了。




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