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词汇 building
例句 The tall building towers above all the others.这高楼高出其他所有的建筑。I've started building a collection of rare books. 我开始收集珍稀书籍。Getting the certificate does a lot in terms of confidence building.获得这张证书在建立自信方面很有帮助。That building firm specializes in conversions.那家建筑公司专营改建房屋。Enemy soldiers set the building alight.敌军放火点燃了这栋大楼。The organizers guided them in orderly fashion out of the building.组织者引领他们井然有序地走出大楼。Due to the bad weather, the building work was already behind schedule.由于天气恶劣,建筑工程已经误期了。The rain forced the crew to stop work on the building.下雨天迫使施工队停止对大楼的施工。He bought a starter kit for building a model airplane.他买了制造飞机模型的入门工具包。One of the building's rear doors was insecure.这幢大楼有一扇后门没有上锁。That scaffolding looks unstable - get all the building workers off the site immediately.那脚手架看上去不太牢固,所有的建筑工人要立即离开工地。Suddenly the alarm sounded and they all had to leave the building.突然警报响起来,他们不得不全部撤离大楼。The building came down with a run.建筑物突然倒坍。Some managed to get in by sneaking along another passageway into the building.有些人偷偷从另一条通道进入大楼。The company supplies building materials such as bricks and cement.这家公司供应砖和水泥之类的建筑材料。He worked as a building inspector.他的工作是一名建筑监理师。The group chanted while they huddled beside the consulate building.人们聚集在领事馆旁,唱着赞美诗。Two lawyers were told not to leave the building but no reason for this instruction was given.两名律师被告知不得离开大楼,但对这一命令并没有提供任何理由。The building is on a premium site.这幢大楼建在一块风水宝地上。They were building boats in anticipation of the spring thaw.他们正在造船以迎接春季解冻期的到来。This leads me to my next point, which is that the building needs a new roof.这引出我要说的下一点,那就是这幢建筑需要一个新屋顶。The courtyard of the huge old building is breathtakingly beautiful.那座巨大的旧建筑的庭院美得让人惊叹。They banned him from entering the building. = He was banned from entering the building.他们禁止他进入这栋楼。The unusually elegant stone building has a tall hexagonal chimney.这座独特典雅的石头建筑有一个高大的六角烟囱。What's the height of the building?这座建筑物有多高?He was near to panic as he scrambled out of the building.他爬出那栋大楼的时候近乎惶恐。The tennis courts were at the back of the main school building.网球场在学校主楼的后面。Outside the building people continue their vigil, huddling around bonfires.在房子外面,人们挤在篝火旁边,继续守夜。We used the back entrance to the building.我们是从大楼的后门入口走进去的。The flagpole stands on a small elevation in front of the building.旗杆矗立在楼前的一小块高地上。A bronze plaque marked the city's oldest building.一块铜匾牌标记着这座城市最古老的建筑。The new building will be sited at the city centre.新大厦将坐落在市中心。The bridge/building collapsed.那座桥/建筑突然倒塌了。The building can be converted to condominiums at the owner's pleasure.这栋建筑可以按照业主意愿改造成公寓楼。The building looks more like a museum than a library.这座建筑物看起来更像是博物馆而不是图书馆。The building wants figging up.那幢房屋要修整一下。They have managed to pull down the old building.他们已拆毁了那幢旧建筑。The president escaped through a secret passage underneath the parliament building.总统从议会大厦下的秘密通道逃跑了。The building plans are for a mixed-use development.建筑计划是开发多用途建筑。They can remotely monitor the building.他们可以远程监视这栋建筑。




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