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词汇 允许
例句 The new law will still allow peaceful picketing.新法令将仍然允许进行和平的罢工纠察。As a matter of fairness, he should be allowed to give his version of events.为了公正起见,应该允许他也提出他对事情的说法。Many more institutions, especially banks, were allowed to lend money for mortgages, and what was more, banks could lend out more money than they actually held.允许更多的机构,尤其是银行推出抵押贷款;此外,银行发放的贷款可以超过其实际持有资金。The prisoner is allowed conjugal visits from his wife. 那名囚犯得到许可,允许他的妻子来探监并与其同房。Only under special circumstances will you be allowed to retake the test.只有在特殊情况下才能允许你重新考试。That kind of behavior should not be allowed.不应该允许这种行为。The system allowed the elderly to prolong their working lives.这一制度允许老年人多做几年工作。My parents finally relented and let us go to the party.我父母最后发了慈悲,允许我们去参加聚会。The party will be held in the garden, weather permitting.如果天气允许的话,聚会就在花园举行。We are grateful for your permission to reproduce this article.非常感谢您允许我们复制这篇文章。Smoking is allowed in designated areas.允许在指定区域内吸烟。The plane circled for an hour before receiving permission to land.飞机盘旋一小时后才接到允许着陆的命令。The company now allows some of its employees to telecommute.这家公司现在允许部分员工在家办公。Where do you think you're going? No one gave you permission to leave.你要去哪里?没人允许你离开。They offered to ease sanctions in return for UN inspectors being allowed into the country.他们提出放松制裁,作为交换条件,该国应允许联合国监察员进入。The Church has finally broken with tradition and allowed women into the ministry.教会最终打破了传统,允许女性做牧师。Although I cherish my children, I do allow them their independence.尽管我爱护自己的孩子,但我也的确允许他们独立。Masters sometimes allowed their slaves to buy their way out of bondage.奴隶主们有时允许奴隶为自己赎身。The directors call the shots and nothing happens without their say-so.董事们掌握大权,没有他们的允许什么都不能做。There are no nudist areas and topless sunbathing is only allowed on a few beaches.并未为裸体主义者划定专用区域,并且仅有几个海滩允许无上装日光浴。Only rescue workers are allowed into the disaster area.允许救援人员进入灾难现场。We have allowed our leading businesses to be bought up by foreign predators.我们已经允许国外的收购公司收购我们的龙头企业。This ticket admits one person.这张票允许一人进场。We are withdrawing from some staff the facility to self-certify sickness absence.我们将取消允许一些职员病假自证的做法。Deer may only be hunted in season.允许在捕猎期猎鹿。When, if ever, is it morally justifiable to allow a patient to die?.如果可能的话,允许病人放弃生命的行为什么时候在道德上可以被接受?She has to obtain her parents' permission before she does anything.她在做任何事情之前都必须先得到她父母的允许I took pity on him and allowed him to stay.我同情他,允许他留了下来。The judge decided to allow broadcast of the trial.法官决定允许对审判进行广播。How could you allow him to do something like that?.你怎么会允许他做那样的事?In a number of professions, it is possible to continue working beyond retirement age.有一些职业允许人们在过了退休年龄后继续工作。Ice hockey is a contact sport.冰球是一项允许身体碰撞的运动。He asked leave of the landlord to use his telephone.他请求房东允许他使用电话。The government passed laws allowing the police to tap telephones.政府通过了允许警方监听电话的法令。It was permissible to take account of antecedent legislation.允许考虑先前的法律。The Act allows children, for the first time, to initiate proceedings.该法案首次允许儿童实施起诉程序。Some airlines let their senior passenger agents out of uniform.有些航空公司允许年资高的客运主任不穿制服。You need to get your mother's permission to go.你要得到你母亲的允许才能去。The agreement would allow the rebels to be incorporated into a new national police force.协议将允许把叛军收编入一支新的国家警备部队。People should be allowed to determine their own future.应该允许人们决定自己的未来。




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