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If your children walk to school, have them use the buddy system. 如果你的孩子们步行上学,让他们和其他孩子结伴而行。Hey, buddy! That's my parking space you took.喂,伙计,你占的地方是我的停车位置!It's good to see you, buddy! How've you been?见到你真高兴,老兄!你好吗?His fishing buddy just bought a new boat.他的渔友刚买了条新船。How is my old buddy Jim?我的老伙计吉姆好吗?When he was in the supermarket, he met up with a buddy he had at Oxford.他在超市遇见了他在牛津时的一个朋友。She is on the outs with a childhood buddy.她和一个童年时的好友闹翻了。 New students are encouraged to buddy up with older students.新生被鼓励与学长交朋友。Drink up and go home, buddy.老兄,喝完快回家吧。We run a buddy system to support recovering alcoholics.我们建立了一个伙伴制,以帮助日渐康复的酗酒者。I guess our buddy is off in orbit again.我想我们的同伙又出来活动了。Take it easy, old buddy, the guy didn't mean any harm.放松点,哥们儿,那家伙没有恶意的。Hey, Scott. What's up, buddy?嗨,斯科特,怎么啦,老兄?He's my buddy.他是我的好朋友。Hey, buddy, do you know where Maple Street is?嘿,老兄,你知道梅普尔街在哪儿吗?Excuse me, buddy - do you know the way to the beach?对不起,朋友,你知道去海滩怎么走吗?She was my friend, before she got all buddy-buddy with the boss.她在与老板打得火热前曾是我的朋友。He's a little too buddy-buddy with his professors.他和教授们的关系有点过于紧密了。Hey, no way, buddy.嘿,没门儿,老兄。She's been buddy-buddy with the band for several years.她多年来一直和乐队关系紧密。Hey, buddy, what are you doing?嘿,老兄,你在干什么? |