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Someone has made off with my purse.有人把我的钱包偷走了。Don't store the backups near the computer, where someone could easily steal them both.备份文件不要放在电脑附近,可能两样都会被人轻易偷走。Someone ran away with our jewels while we were out.我们不在家时有人偷走了我们的珠宝。Pickpockets pinched his wallet in the city centre.扒手在市中心偷走了他的钱包。Somebody broke into the shop and made off with several TVs.有人闯入商店,偷走了几台电视机。The burglars took nearly everything in the house that was of any value.窃贼把屋里任何值钱不值钱的东西都几乎全偷走了。The burglars made away with all their silverware.贼偷走了他们所有的银器。Police have now identified the man who they believe stole the car.警方现在确认这名男子就是他们认为偷走那辆车的人。He had his wallet stolen off him.他的钱包被人偷走了。The boss has swiped my pen again.老板又把我的钢笔偷走了。Someone relieved him of his wallet. 有人偷走了他的钱包。Right, who's pinched my chair?好嘛,谁把我的椅子偷走了?Thieves made away with the contents of the safe.小偷把保险柜里的东西都偷走了。The thieves trussed the guards and stole several paintings.盗贼将保安员捆起来,偷走了几幅油画。He just whipped my pen!他偷走了我的钢笔!They rushed the guard and stole his keys.他们突袭卫兵并偷走了他的钥匙。Stealing his toolbox was a mean trick.偷走他的工具箱是卑劣的恶作剧。While I was out, someone went into my hotel room and ripped off the rest of my travelers’ checks.我外出的时候,有人进了我的酒店客房,把我余下的旅行支票全都偷走了。I left my purse with my cheque book and car keys on the kitchen table and thieves broke in and stole the lot.我把皮夹子、支票簿和汽车钥匙都放在厨房的桌子上,小偷进来把它们统统偷走了。Someone had made away with all the money.有人已经把所有的钱都偷走了。They stole my car in broad daylight. 他们在光天化日之下偷走了我的汽车。She had been very angry at the person who stole her new bike.她很生气有人偷走了她的新自行车。The burglars didn't seem to have taken much.窃贼好像没偷走多少东西。You can't just walk off with his jacket.你可不能偷走他的夹克。It's the identical coat which was stolen from me.这正是我被偷走的那件外套。Her boss's laptop got stolen from her car.她老板的笔记本电脑被人从她车里偷走了。A mugger stunned him with a brick and stole his wallet.抢劫犯用一块砖头将他打昏,偷走了他的钱包。Thieves took the painting from the museum several years ago.几年前窃贼从博物馆偷走了那幅画。All my gardening tools had been stolen from the shed.我所有的园艺工具都被人从棚屋偷走了。Someone stole all her hard-earned money.有人偷走了她全部的辛苦钱You nicked those pens from my desk.你从我的书桌上偷走了那些钢笔。He was planning to knock off a few videos, but the boss found out.他正要偷走一些录像带,被老板发现了。He went south with a bottle of brandy.他偷走了一瓶白兰地。Some fuckwit walked off with my bag.不知哪个蠢货偷走了我的包。I was afraid lest the new bike should be stolen.我担心新自行车会被偷走。Many of her personal belongings had been stolen.她的许多私人财物都被偷走了。While they were out, someone broke in and stole their TV and VCR.他们不在家的时候,有人闯进屋里偷走了电视机和录像机。The art gallery was broken into last night, and the thieves got away with two valuable paintings.艺术馆昨晚遭入室盗窃,被偷走了两幅珍贵的画。While she was asleep, thieves broke in and stole her handbag.她睡着的时候,小偷闯进来偷走了她的手提包。His car was stolen when somebody broke a window and hot-wired the engine.有人打破车窗,用电线短路的方法启动了引擎,偷走了他的车。 |