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词汇 buckle
例句 We must waste no more time, but buckle to at once.我们不应该再浪费时间,要立刻干起来。You had better buckle down if you want to get good grades.如果你想获得好成绩,最好开始努力学习。The door was beginning to buckle from the intense heat.门因为酷热开始变形了。In the end he had to buckle under and admit he was wrong.最后他只得屈服,承认自己错了。I'm going to buckle down to the training course.我打算开始认真参加培训课程。The new law will require passengers in the rear seats of automobiles to buckle their seatbelts.这条新法令要求汽车后座上的乘客系安全带。The panels did not buckle under pressure.板条不因受压而变形。The door was beginning to buckle from the intense heat.门在高温高热下开始变形。Don't forget, buckle up before you start driving.别忘了开车前系好安全带。He wore a belt with a large buckle.他系着一根带大扣的皮带。John felt his knees start to buckle.约翰觉得膝盖开始发软了。We shall have to buckle to if we are to catch that train.我们要赶上那班火车就得加紧些。The government is unlikely to buckle under the protesters' demands.政府未必会对抗议者提出的要求让步。I could see his knees buckle after that last punch.在打出那最后一拳后我看见他的膝盖弯曲起来。Her whole body began to buckle, unbalancing the ladder.她整个身体开始弯曲,使得梯子摇晃起来。You'd better buckle down to some revision now.你现在最好坐下来复习复习。Everyone's got to buckle down, to get ready for the press conference.人人都要全力以赴,为这次记者招待会作好准备。This silver belt buckle is the only relic of the battle that survives.这个银质皮带扣是唯一存留下来的战争遗物。The child's shoes won't buckle.小孩的鞋子扣不起来。There was a time when Charles was coasting at school and I should have told him to buckle down.有一段时间查尔斯在学校不太用功,我当时应该让他加把劲的。I fastened/unfastened the buckle on my belt. = I buckled/unbuckled my belt.我扣上/解开腰带扣。The pillars began to buckle under the strain.柱子在作用力下开始变形。Remember to buckle up your seatbelt each and every time you ride in a car.无论什么时候乘车,都要想着系好安全带。The intense heat from the fire had caused the factory roof to buckle.大火的高温烤得工厂的屋顶变了形。You should always buckle up before you start driving.你每次开车前都应系上安全带。




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