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词汇 偶然
例句 The results could simply be due to chance.这些结果可能只不过是偶然碰运气得来的。The finding could be a false positive accredited to chance.出于偶然,结果可能呈假阳性。He showed us a rare edition on which he had lighted in a bookshop.他让我们看他在一家书店偶然买到的一部珍本。It all came about quite casually.这一切事出偶然In this discussion grave questions were incidentally brought up.在这次讨论中,一些重大问题被偶然提了出来。Their meeting was a lucky accident.他们的相遇只是一次偶然For centuries the tomb lay inviolate until, by chance, it was discovered by two miners.数百年来这座坟墓未遭破坏,后来偶然被两个矿工发现。A passenger perchance riding on the wagon prevented a fatal accident.一个偶然坐车的旅客使这辆大车免遭了一场大祸。In our discussion this question was incidentally brought up.在我们讨论时,这一问题被偶然提了出来。Human beings are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution.人类并不是进化过程中偶然、无意义的产物。It happened, whether by accident or design, that Steve and I were the last two people to leave.不知是偶然还是事先安排,史蒂夫和我是最后离开的两个人。It is no accident that the assistant he hired is so good-looking. 他雇了一个长得那么漂亮的助理绝不是偶然By chance the book beside him fell open to St. Paul's warning to the Romans.他身旁的书偶然翻开到写着圣保罗对罗马人的告诫那页。I fell into my job quite by accident.我从事这份工作很大程度上是出于偶然Breaking the vase was purely accidental; she did not mean to do it.打碎花瓶纯粹是偶然失手;她无意弄坏它。Their success is the result of a fortuitous combination of circumstances.他们的成功是各种环境因素偶然联系在一起的幸运产物。He claims he stumbled into acting.他声称自己是偶然进入演艺行业的。After the fourth attack on her car she was convinced that the vandalism was more than just coincidence.她的汽车第四次遭袭后,她确信这些破坏绝不是偶然We met quite by chance.我们的相遇十分偶然Scientists discovered the vaccine almost/quite/entirely by accident.科学家们发现这种疫苗,几乎/实在/完全是个偶然Is it destiny that brings people together, or is it accident?人们的相遇是天意还是偶然Penicillin was discovered quite by chance.青霉素的发现相当偶然Whether it's a fluke or a trend, the last ten years have seen highly destructive hurricanes.不管是偶然现象还是趋势使然,过去的十年出现了一些极具破坏性的飓风。Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.无事出于偶然或命运。It's just an accident of history that the city became part of the Soviet Union.这座城市归属苏联纯属历史的偶然There are occasional exceptions to my generalization.我的概括偶然也有例外。We lighted upon the solution entirely by accident.我们想起这个办法实属偶然Their friendship began with a chance meeting at a business convention.他们的友谊源于一次行业会议上的偶然相见。He works always by rule and line, never by chance or guess.他工作一贯讲求精密准确,从不凭偶然或猜测。He came across some of his old love letters in his wife's desk.他在妻子的抽屉里偶然翻到了他以前写的一些情书。




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