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The company believes it is bucking the recession and says orders continue to be satisfactory.这家公司认为自己并未受经济衰退影响,并且说订单一直令人满意。The company believes it is bucking the recession and says orders continue to be satisfactory.公司认为他们正在摆脱经济萧条的影响,声称订单仍然让人满意。He is bucking for a promotion at work.他为了升职拼命工作。He is always bucking about his days as a football player.他老是吹嘘自己当足球运动员时的那段历史。While other newspapers are losing circulation, we are bucking the trend.其他报纸的发行量在下滑,我们却在逆势上升。She is bucking for a promotion.她在拼命争取晋升。 |