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词汇 停车场
例句 The parking lot is right in front/back of the building.停车场就在那栋楼的前面/后面。Employees are not to leave their cars in the company parking lot overnight.员工不可以将车停在公司停车场内过夜。The old factory was razed to make room for a parking lot.这家老厂被全部拆除,腾出地方建停车场As I recall, but correct me if I'm wrong, it was in a car park in Carmarthen.如果我没记错的话,那是在卡马森的一个停车场内。When I came back to the car park my car was blocked in.当我回到停车场时我的车被堵住了。This parking lot is closed to nonresidents.这个停车场只对本地居民开放。Some businessmen provide free parking for their customers.有些店主为他们的顾客免费提供停车场地。I left my car in the mall parking lot.我把车停在了一个小的停车场里。All the car parks are full.所有的停车场都已经满了。The parking area is just beyond those trees.停车场就在那些树的后面。The vehicles cluttered up the car park.各种车辆把停车场塞得满满当当。Is there a parking lot nearby?附近有停车场吗? The car park was full, and the nearest suitable alternative was two miles away.这个停车场没有空位了,另一个离这儿最近的合适的停车场有两英里远。I had to park in the far corner of the car park.我只好把车停在停车场那头的角落里。The car park is patrolled by security officers.停车场的巡查工作由保安们来完成。They're going to turn the playing fields into a car park.他们要把运动场改建为停车场You want to be very careful when you pull out of the parking lot.驶离停车场时,你要非常小心。Martin drove along until he found a convenient parking place.马丁一直往前开,直到找到了一个方便的停车场He ogled the new cars on the lot.他贪婪地注视着停车场里的新车。There is a parking area over there.那儿有一个停车场I left the car in the multistorey.我把车停在了立体停车场In the parking lot of the school, the siren filled the air.警报声响彻学校停车场The two friends parted company in the parking lot and drove home separately.两个朋友在停车场分别后,各自开车回家了。Buses shuttled passengers from the car park to the airport terminal.摆渡车在停车场和机场航站楼之间往返接送乘客。The car park is strictly for the use of residents.那个停车场仅供当地居民使用。The rusted car on the lot was not much of an advertisement for the car dealership.停车场里那辆锈迹斑斑的车可不是汽车经销商的好广告。We were driving around in circles, weaving through the parking lot.我们开着车转圈,在停车场里绕来绕去。The driver carefully jockeyed the truck into a narrow space in the crowded parking lot.司机小心翼翼地将卡车停进拥挤的停车场中一个狭窄车位。The car park was absolutely packed solid with people.停车场被人挤得水泄不通。Half-way across the car-park, he noticed she was walking with her eyes closed.走到停车场中间时,他发现她正闭着眼睛走路。If the car park's full you might find a space in one of the side streets.如果停车场满了,你也许可以在小街上找到停车位。A group of teenagers were in the parking lot shooting off fireworks.一群青少年在停车场上放烟花。I joined the line of vehicles waiting to get into the car park.我排进汽车长龙里等着进停车场Maria was out in the car park, running like a woman possessed.玛丽亚在外面停车场里,像个疯女人似的跑着。We began to file out into the car park.我们开始鱼贯而出,去停车场The car was parked in the small weedy lot next to the hotel.车停在酒店旁一个杂草丛生的小停车场里。Car-parks are few, crammed, and outrageously expensive.停车场数量少,车位挤,并且停车费高得离谱。We queued for half an hour waiting for a free space in the car park.我们为了等一个空车位在停车场排了半小时队。Three clowns were dancing around the car park on stilts.三个踩着高跷的小丑绕着停车场跳舞。He brought the jeep to its usual crash-halt in the parking space.他像往常那样在停车场把吉普车一下子煞住。




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