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They screwed at a hotel after the office party.在公司的宴会后,他们到一家旅馆做爱。Teenagers should be taught to think carefully before having sex.应该教育青少年做爱之前仔细考虑清楚。The sex scenes between Depardieu and Brochet are sensitively filmed.德帕迪约和波诺什的做爱场景处理得很细致。That night they made love for the first time.那天晚上他们第一次做爱。That mystery movie has some steamy sex scenes.那部悬疑片有一些过火的做爱镜头。All she ever thinks about is shagging.她满脑子想的都是做爱。It was the first time they had made love.那是他们第一次做爱。Their lovemaking became less and less frequent.他们越来越少做爱。He wanted to make love to her.他想和她做爱。For me, nothing compares with the thrill of surfing - it's better than sex.对我而言,没有什么比冲浪更刺激了——感觉简直比做爱还棒。He loved her all night long.他一整晚都在跟她做爱。All day they made love on the unmade bed.他们整天就在乱糟糟的床上做爱。A quick bonk in a lay-by is not my idea of romance.在路旁的停车处匆匆忙忙地做爱,我并不觉得浪漫。It wasn't difficult to pick up people for casual sex, but it was difficult to form any sort of relationship with someone.随便找个人做爱并不难,但是要找个人建立某种关系却并不容易。On the way home, in the brashness of his intoxication, he decided that he was going to make love to her.在回家的路上,他酒醉一时冲动,决定要和她做爱。She thought about Tom Cruise every time she made love with her boyfriend.她每次和男朋友做爱都想着汤姆·克鲁斯。I don't know where they are - they've probably gone upstairs for a shag.我不知道他们在哪里—说不定在楼上做爱呢。She had no interest in sex after the baby was born.她生了宝宝以后对做爱就没有了兴趣。 |