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词汇 bubble
例句 Emotions quickly bubble to the surface.感情很快表露出来。The mixture will bubble and foam when you add the yeast.加入酵母后,混合物就会起泡。The bubble has finally burst in the mobile phone industry.移动电话行业的泡沫终于破灭了。When the economic bubble bursts, a lot of people are going to lose their jobs.当经济的泡沫破灭时,很多人将失业。A bubble of anger rose in Pol's throat.波尔的声音中略微带着一丝怒气。Jerry had to spend two months enclosed in a huge plastic bubble, to prevent him from catching germs from other children.杰里得住在大的透明塑料罩里两个月,以免传染上其他孩子的病菌。Steve was so happy I couldn't bear to burst his bubble.史蒂夫这么开心,我都不忍心让他失望。I can see the comic thought bubble forming over your head.我看得到你头顶冒出漫画思想泡泡。She took a bubble bath.她洗了个泡沫浴。You can talk to other avatars with your words displayed in a cartoon bubble.你可以和其他玩家的虚拟化身交谈,你所键入的话语会出现在你虚拟化身头上的一个卡通对话框中。The Internet stock bubble finally burst.互联网股票的泡沫终于破灭了。When the development bubble burst, federal regulators started probing the balance sheets of the biggest banks.房地产开发泡沫破灭后,联邦监管机构开始调查审计各家大型银行的资产负债表。In order for our bubble economy to continue expanding, Americans must continue spending.为了让我们的泡沫经济继续膨胀,美国人必须继续消费。Grape is my favorite bubble gum flavor.葡萄味是我最爱的泡泡糖口味。I lay soaking in a hot bubble bath.我躺在热乎乎的泡泡澡水里。When the sauce starts to bubble, remove it from the heat.调味汁开始冒泡时,把它从炉火上移开。We sell bubble baths, soaps and shampoos.我们出售泡泡浴、肥皂和洗发水。I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the job is not really that exciting.很抱歉打破了你的美梦,但是那份工作真的没那么好。I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think he remembers you.我不想打破你的幻想,但是我想他不记得你了。His bubble has burst.他的幻想破灭了。It seemed a good idea, but a few sharp questions soon pricked the bubble.这个主意似乎不错,但经不得几下追问就证明这种想法纯属虚妄。Tension could bubble up again at any time.紧张局势随时都有可能再次恶化。She bought some bubble bath.她买了一些泡沫浴液。As she spoke she felt a bubble of optimism rising inside her.她说话时感到乐观情绪在内心升腾。The Internet bubble has burst in a big way.因特网泡沫已彻底破灭。She felt a bubble of hysteria rising in her throat.她感到一阵歇斯底里的冲动,想大喊出来。




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