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词汇 brutally
例句 He gave us a painfully/brutally/refreshingly honest account of his childhood.他痛苦地/无情地/爽快地如实讲述了他的童年。They began by brutally persecuting the Catholic Church.他们开始残酷地打压天主教会。The government has brutally crushed the rebellion.政府残酷镇压了叛乱。The boy was brutally murdered.那个男孩惨遭残杀。They were brutally attacked by two men.他们遭到两名男子的残忍袭击。He was brutally manhandled in the prison.他在狱中备受虐待。She'd been brutally murdered to keep her quiet.她惨遭杀人灭口。The talks had been brutally frank.会谈进行得异常坦率。The Makgadikgadi is a brutally inhospitable region.马卡迪卡迪盐沼环境恶劣,是个不宜居住的地区。The uprising was brutally put down.起义被残酷地镇压下去了。The early-morning New York air can be brutally cold.纽约清晨的空气会十分寒冷。The report was brutally honest.这篇报道真实得近乎残酷。A pro-democracy uprising was brutally suppressed.一场争取民主的起义被残酷镇压了。Two visitors were brutally slain yesterday.昨天有两名来客惨遭杀害。Her real parents had been brutally murdered.她的亲生父母被残忍杀害了。He drove her face brutally against the pavement.他残忍地把她的脸朝人行道上撞。Thousands of civilians were brutally murdered during the civil war.成千上万的平民在内战中遭到残杀。The dictator brutally repressed political disagreement.独裁者残酷地压制了不同政见。Two women were brutally slain last night.两名妇女昨夜被残忍杀害。The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous.该作品带有残酷的强悍和野性的幽默感。The early-morning New York air can be brutally cold.纽约清晨的空气会冷得让人难以忍受。The killer would stalk his victim, overpower her and then brutally murder her.这个杀手会悄悄地跟着他的受害者,把她制伏,然后残忍地杀了她。Naomi is brutally forthright about her views on abortion.娜奥米关于堕胎的看法极其坦率明确。Let's be brutally honest about this: you don't have a hope of succeeding.虽然有点儿残忍,但老实说,你没有成功的希望。To be brutally frank with you, I don't think you're good enough.直截了当地跟你挑明吧,我认为你不够好。The boy's body was found on wasteland, brutally stabbed to death.小男孩的尸体在荒地被发现,他是被残忍地刺死的。He bundled the old lady into her hallway and brutally attacked her.他将老妇人推到她家走廊上,并对她一顿暴打。He was beaten badly/savagely/brutally.他被人毒打了一顿。She was brutally frank in her assessment of our chances.她丝毫不顾及我们的感受,直言不讳地指出我们没什么机会。They were caught on camera as they brutally attacked a man.他们粗暴打人的场景被拍了下来。A young woman was brutally raped in her own home.一名年轻女子在自己家中惨遭强暴。Tens of thousands of dolphins and small whales are brutally massacred every year.每年有数万条海豚和小鲸鱼被残酷地屠杀。I grabbed his hand and jerked him back brutally.我抓住他的手粗鲁地把他拽了回来。There were reports of people brutally killed.有报道说有人被残忍地杀害了。The rebels were brutally executed after summary trials.即决审讯后反叛者被无情地处决了。She was attacked and brutally raped.她受到袭击并被野蛮地强奸。The organized opposition has been brutally repressed.有组织的反抗遭到了残暴镇压。Political dissent was brutally suppressed.持不同政见者遭到了残酷的镇压。He was brutally honest/frank in his criticism of my work.他批评我的工作时毫不留情。If I'm brutally honest, I don't like her dress.我就直言不讳吧,我不喜欢她的裙子。




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