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词汇 借助
例句 If not found on clinical examination, it is easily recognized with the aid of a laparoscopy.如果门诊检查发现不了,那么借助腹腔镜检查就很容易识别。He could explain the universe without resort to gods or demons.无需借助神或魔鬼,他就能解释宇宙。The Kon-Tiki sailed across the Pacific Ocean propelled by wind power.“太阳神康提基号”帆船借助风力横渡了太平洋。I was able to attempt a judgment with the benefit of hindsight.借助事后的认识才得以作出判断。Many people use the Web to make their travel plans.许多人借助因特网制订旅游计划。Queensland heroin users will be able to detoxify rapidly on Naltrexone after a two-year clinical trial of the controversial drug begins in Brisbane this week.本周开始在布里斯班对纳曲酮这种存有争议的药物进行为期两年的临床试验,之后昆士兰的海洛因吸食者将能够借助这种药物快速戒毒。He manages to walk with the aid of a walking stick.借助手杖勉强走路。The prince has enlisted his two daughters in the effort to avoid the press.亲王借助他的两个女儿来躲避媒体。Migrating birds make use of airstreams to assist them on their long journey south.候鸟借助气流完成它们向南方的长途迁徙。With computer technology, even people working on their own have the ways and means to produce professional-looking documents.借助电脑技术,独自工作的人也有办法和途径制作外观专业的文件。With the help of a screwdriver, he managed to open the door.借助螺丝刀打开了门。His reports were virtually impenetrable without an explanation.如果不借助解释,他的报告实质上没法读懂。It is possible that one day you'll be doing your shopping via teletext.总有一天你会借助电视文字广播购物。We used sail power and turned the engine off to save our fuel.我们借助风帆的动力航行,且关掉了发动机以节省燃油。He could walk with braces on his legs.他可以借助双腿上安的支架来走路。The president is throwing his full weight behind the proposal.主席正在借助自己所有的影响支持这项提议。He ponied all night before the exam.他考试前一晚借助译文临时抱佛脚。More specific and less subjective criteria should be used in selecting people for promotion within the company.公司内部决定升职人选时,需要借助更具体、更客观的标准。We had to find our way by starlight.我们不得不借助星光找路。Having found a way to ride the wave of taxpayer revolt, he got reelected as Governor of California.他设法借助纳税人反抗浪潮的威力,再次当选为加州州长。With the telescope we can see details of the planet's surface that are ordinarily invisible.我们可以借助望远镜看到这颗行星表面通常看不到的细微之处。The wheelchair gives him the freedom to go out on his own.借助轮椅他可以随意独自外出。We need to draw on the professional expertise of a large number of teachers.我们需要借助众多教师的专业知识。Information is transferred along each neuron by means of an electrical impulse.信息借助电脉冲沿着每一个神经元传导。By a process of elimination, the police had just two suspects left.警方借助排除法锁定了两名嫌犯。She will need medical help and counselling to overcome the tragedy.她需要借助医学治疗和心理咨询来克服惨剧带来的影响。Other companies are trying to piggyback on our success. 其他的公司试图借助我们的成功来壮大自己。We can gain a market advantage by leveraging our network of partners.我们可以借助合伙人网络获得市场优势。This book draws on globalization and post-colonial studies in analysing lusophone Africa.这本书借助全球化和后殖民研究来分析非洲葡萄牙语区。A lot of people use computer games as an escape from reality.许多人借助电脑游戏来逃避现实。Since they spoke only Swahili, we used signs and gestures to make ourselves understood.因为他们只会说斯瓦希里语,因此我们就借助动作和手势让对方明白我们的意思。Any decent shot with telescopic sights could pick us off at random.任何借助望远镜瞄准器的像样射手都可以随意把我们逐个干掉。Some smokers use hypnosis to help them kick the habit.有些抽烟者借助催眠术来戒烟。There has been a movement back to more therapeutic treatments of mental disorders in recent years.近年来,精神疾病的治疗又回到了更多借助医疗疗法的传统上。The aircraft are launched by catapult.飞机借助弹射器起飞。We sometimes have to call on outside expertise.我们有时得借助外部的专业技术。Ripe with in-jokes, self-references, and post-modern metaphor, the movie questions a too-civilized world.这部电影驾轻就熟地借助圈内笑话、自我指认和后现代主义的隐喻,对过度文明的世界提出了质疑。He delivered his speech from a video prompter.借助电视提词机发表演说。I laboured through Homer's Iliad with a Greek dictionary.借助一本希腊语词典吃力地读完了荷马的《伊利亚特》。Sailors have special equipment to help them navigate.船员们借助专门的仪器确定航向。




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