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词汇 候选人
例句 He has now been formally nominated as presidential candidate.他现已被正式提名为总统候选人This election should be about issues and policies, not about the personalities of the candidates!这次选举应着重于社会面临的问题和政策,而不是候选人的个性!Two candidates for the job seem very good, and three others are borderline. 候选人中有两名似乎很适合这份工作,但另外三名则不是很确定。The independent candidates did not have the support of a party machine.独立候选人没有政党组织的支持。What was your impression of the candidate? 你对这名候选人的印象如何?The candidate's support is growing countrywide.候选人获得了越来越多全国性的支持。Before the scandal erupted, Grieg was talked about as a future presidential candidate.丑闻发生之前,有言论认为葛理格是未来的总统候选人Labor leaders figured that given the political mood of the time, Truman was the best candidate.工人领袖估计以当时的政治气氛看,杜鲁门是最佳候选人The friendly chat which comes before the interview proper is intended to relax the candidate.正式面试之前的友好闲聊是为了放松候选人的心情。There's an odd number of candidates.候选人人数是奇数。The audience interrupted the candidate's speech with jeers and shouts.听众发出嘲笑声和叫声打断了候选人的演讲。The defeated candidate demanded a recount of the votes.被击败的候选人要求重新计算选票。The spin doctors from both sides were already declaring victory for their candidates as soon as the debate ended.辩论一结束,双方的舆论导向专家就已经在宣布自己的候选人获胜了。Both candidates are qualified, but her experience tips the scales in her favor.两名候选人都具备资格,但是她的经验使她占了上风。The candidate rates highly on the magazine's legislative scorecard.这位候选人在这本杂志的法制报道栏得到很高的评价。Since he couldn't secure his party's nomination, he was forced to run as a write-in.由于得不到他所在党派的提名,他被迫作为非正式候选人参加竞选。Letters are sent to all unsuccessful candidates.他们给所有落选的候选人都寄去了信。The newspaper has endorsed the conservative candidate for mayor.这家报纸支持保守派候选人竞选市长。Candidates have to give a short presentation on a subject of their choice.候选人必须就自己选择的话题进行简短的阐述。An independent candidate could drain off votes from either party.独立候选人可能会使两党中任何一方的选票流失。Voters need to know where each candidate stands.选民需要知道每位候选人的立场。By now it was clear that Bush was going to be nominated for President.这个时候已经清楚布什将被提名为总统候选人He is high on the list of possible candidates for the job. 他是这一职位可能的候选人中名列前茅的人选。The Democratic candidate is rapidly gaining ground in many states.民主党候选人在很多州迅速地获得人心。She is being touted as a likely candidate for the Senate.她被捧为可能当选参议院议员的候选人Since she supported none of the candidates, she spoiled her ballot paper.几个候选人她哪个都不支持,因此她把选票作废了。Despite the bad publicity, the candidate decided to brazen it out and stay in the race.虽然有负面的舆论,那位候选人还是决定硬着头皮继续参加竞选。There has been a lot of wheeling and dealing over the choice of candidate.候选人的选择上有太多的钻营。Most conservatives may end up supporting him, faute de mieux.因为没有更好的候选人,大多数保守党党员可能最终会支持他。One candidate in particular impressed us with her knowledge.尤其是有一位候选人,她的学识给我们留下了深刻的印象。The candidate caused consternation among his supporters by changing positions on a key issue.这位候选人在关键问题上改变立场,让他的支持者们非常震惊。Candidates should engage in serious political discourse.候选人应该参加严肃的政治对话。The Republican candidate carried Texas and other Southern states.共和党的候选人获得了得克萨斯州和南方其他一些州的多数票。Announcing his candidacy was only a manoeuvre to prevent his rival from gaining the nomination.宣布他的候选人身份只是制止他对手获得提名的一种策略。There are clear differences between the two candidates.两位候选人的差异非常明显。The candidates were very thoroughly vetted.那些候选人受到了非常彻底的审查。The candidates will soon be hitting the campaign trail.候选人不久将开始竞选巡回演讲活动。Her name has been mentioned as a favoured leadership candidate.她已被提名成为一个受青睐领导岗位的候选人The candidates try hard to appeal to the electorate. 这些候选人想尽各种办法迎合选民。Mr Robertson would be a credible candidate.罗伯逊先生将会是有望胜出的候选人




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