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词汇 保证
例句 Wealth is no guarantee of happiness.财富决不是幸福的保证I guarantee that you'll be satisfied.保证你会满意的。I pledged myself to fulfil the promise I had made.保证实践自己的诺言。His reassurances did nothing to diminish her anxiety.他作出的种种保证丝毫没有减轻她的忧虑。I pledge that by next year we will have the problem solved.保证来年之前我们将解决这个问题。The president has promised a new constitution and the creation of democratic power structures.总统保证要颁布新的宪法并创建民主的权力结构。I assure you my actions will correspond with my words.我向你保证,我将言行一致。The fabric is guaranteed not to discolor.这种布料保证不褪色。Tory backbenchers want some guarantee that an enquiry will be held.保守党后座议员要求对此事进行调查的某种保证We need to deliver security without intruding on people's privacy.我们既需要保证他人安全,同时又不侵犯其隐私。We can assure you of our full support.我们保证全力支持你。Something approximating to a fair outcome will be ensured.保证会有大致公正的结果。I can assure you that the animals are well cared for.我可以向你保证动物们得到了精心照顾。The guarantee may be rendered invalid if the manufacturer's instructions are not followed.如果不按照厂家的说明操作,厂家承诺的保证就有可能无效。His lawyer was unwilling to give him any kind of assurance about the outcome of the trial.他的律师不愿就审判结果向他作出任何形式的保证I assure you I came here on purpose to meet you.我向你保证,我是特意来见你的。They are in favour of the program, but they want strong assurances that it is viable.他们赞成此计划,但需要这个计划是切实可行的明确保证Carry a personal alarm with you and make sure you know how to use it.随身携带一台个人防身报警器,并保证知道如何使用。The company engaged to finish the building by May.那家公司保证五月份造好房子。There's not much more I can say to assure you.我已向你作了足够的保证,没有太多可说的了。I undertake to preserve a strictly neutral position during this debate.在这次辩论中,我保证恪守中立的立场。He says the new legislation will guarantee fairness for blacks in Georgia.他说这项新立法将保证佐治亚州的黑人受到公平对待。The insurance policy protects you against theft.你如遭窃,这保险单将保证偿付你的损失。To ensure a smooth change-over, we'd like you to start work one week before your predecessor leaves.保证顺利交接,我们希望你在前任离任前一周来上班。We think the agreement covers all the bases for a lasting peace.我们认为该协议已经足以保证永久和平。And let me assure you I will use whatever force is necessary to restore order.我向你保证,我将动用一切必要力量来恢复秩序。He had promised that the rich and privileged would no longer get preferential treatment.他已经保证富人和特权阶层不会再得到优惠待遇。Monitors ensured that the food was distributed fairly.监督员保证食物公平分发。I promised myself I'd stick it out even if it killed me.我向自己保证,即使我会为之命丧黄泉,也要坚持到底。This case is going to be tough, but I promise I'll give it my best shot.这个案子很棘手,但我保证会尽力而为。I promise nothing will happen to you.保证你不会有事。I can assure you of the reliability of the information.我向你保证这消息可靠。The onus is on the taxpayer to make sure they pay enough tax.纳税人有责任保证把税交足。In the first instance we had better make sure the calculations are correct.首先我们最好保证计算是正确的。But I'll make sure and touch base with her.但是我保证我会和她保持联络的。He would, when in office, ensure that all secret data be made public.保证一旦任职将公开所有的秘密资料。In order to be fair to everyone, ticket sales are limited to two for each person.为了保证对大家都公平,每人限购两张票。That speech was the making of him.那次演说是他得以成功的保证Philip pledges support and offers to help in any way that he can.菲利普保证给予支持,并主动提出尽其所能提供帮助。He assured MPs that ministers and MPs were not subjected to phone taps.他向议员们保证,部长和议员的电话不会遭到窃听。




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