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词汇 保留
例句 We reserve the right to make further changes to the agreement if necessary.我们保留必要时对协议做进一步更改的权利。He argues strongly for retention of NATO as a guarantee of peace.他强烈要求保留北大西洋公约组织以维护和平。The city retains much of its historic fabric.这座城市保留着其历史结构的大部分。You should hang onto that painting - it might be valuable.你应该保留那幅画,它可能会很值钱。Remember to keep copies of all your correspondence.记住保留你所有信函的副本。Workers can choose to keep entitlements or bargain them away for things like higher pay.工人们可以选择保留自己应得的权利,也可以用这些权利换取加薪之类的待遇。He wanted to pare the article down without cutting the muscle from it.他想缩短这篇文章而保留其基本内容。Some elements of the old class system still remain.旧的社会等级制度中的一些要素仍保留至今。It's important that these traditions are preserved.重要的是要保留这些传统。We have had some reassurances from the council that the building will be saved.市政会保证会保留那座建筑,这使我们得到了些许安慰。In New Zealand, the Māori people maintain a strong cultural tradition.在新西兰,毛利人保留着浓厚的文化传统。The new design will be more modern, while retaining the graceful shape of the original.新的设计会更为现代化,同时会保留原来的优雅形态。You will retain your rights as a citizen.你将保留你的公民权利。You can't expect them to hold the job open for much longer – you'll have to decide whether you want it or not.别指望他们为你继续保留这份工作 — 你必须决定要还是不要。She was guaranteed a place in the college.学院为她保留了职位。I adjourn what I have to say on this topic.对于这个问题我保留我的意见。The management reserves the right to refuse admission.管理层保留拒绝录用的权利。She retained a number of copies for further annotation.保留了许多副本以便作进一步的注解。The coffee is freeze-dried to seal in all the flavour.咖啡经冷冻干燥以保留原汁原味。Marie still had fond memories of their time together.玛丽依然保留着他们在一起时的美好回忆。The two sides had agreed to differ.双方同意彼此保留不同的意见。These ancient practices still survive in some regions.这些古代习俗在一些地区仍保留着。To say that I was surprised is somewhat of an understatement.说我感到意外还是有点保留的说法。It's becoming more and more common for women to keep their family name when they marry.妇女婚后保留姓氏越来越普遍了。I am willing to agree to the proposal with one reservation.我愿同意这项提议,但有一点保留It ought to be possible for partners to disagree on specifics while agreeing in general terms.合作各方应该有可能在同意总体条件的情况下对某些细节保留分歧。He told a diplomat that he might withdraw if he were allowed to keep part of a disputed oil field.他告诉一名外交官,如果允许他保留一个有争议油田的一部分,他可能就会撤兵。Walk straight for five minutes, you will see a swath of land reserved for the construction of the mall.你直走五分钟,就会看到一块保留来建造商城的长方形土地。Native people were allowed to retain some sense of their traditional culture and religion.当地原住民获准可以保留一些自己的传统文化和宗教。I keep this picture because it has sentimental value for me.我之所以保留这幅画是因为它对我具有情感价值。He accuses Whitehall of abuse of power by retaining official records.他谴责白厅滥用职权保留官方记录。There are going to be cutbacks and we are not sure that the project will survive.经费将会被削减,我们不确定这个项目是否能保留I agree with his view, with a few qualifications.我同意他的观点,但是有一些保留Although the mill is no longer in commercial use, it is maintained as a working museum.尽管磨坊已不再用于商业用途,但它作为一座鲜活的博物馆保留了下来。She tried to weigh up the pros and cons of staying at her current job.她努力权衡保留目前工作的利弊。We've held the job open for him for one week now.这个工作我们已为他保留一个星期了。Keep a copy of the rough version of your essay.保留一份你文章的草稿。This thriving resort town has retained its village charm.这个繁荣的游览城市还保留着乡村风光的魅力。They are not allowed to hold data on people's private finances.他们没有获准保留人们的私人财务数据。The production retains its original piquancy.这部剧作保留了其原有的味道。




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