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词汇 in a few days
例句 We hope to finish the job in a few days.我们希望在几天的时间里完成这项工作。I'm going to have my medical in a few days, and I expect I'll be inducted pretty soon.我准备最近几天去体检,预计很快就会应征入伍。They have to quit China in a few days.他们必须在几天之内离开中国。The telephone will be hooked up in a few days.电话将在几天内装好接通。I figured he'd get tired of it in a few days.我想过不了几天他就会对它感到厌倦的。I'll send the book along to you in a few days.我过几天把书给你送去。The doctor says the swelling is just temporary and should go down in a few days.医生说发肿只是暂时的,过几天就会消下去。The disease usually runs its course in a few days.这种病通常在几天之内会自行痊愈。The brickwork was cast up in a few days.砌砖工程在几天之内就完成了。The doctor said she would be all right in a few days.医生说她过几天就会好的。He's thinner, that's true, but he'll snap back in a few days.他瘦了,那是事实,但过几天他就会缓过来的。The disease usually runs its course in a few days. 这种病通常要持续几天才好。We shall be ready in a few days or a week at farthest.我们过几天,至多过一星期,就将准备就绪。The swelling around her eye should subside in a few days.她的眼睛周围过几天就该消肿了。The wound cured in a few days.这个伤口几天就好了。Hs promised to rustle up some young actors in a few days.他答应在几天内搜罗几个年轻的演员来。The government crushed out the revolt in a few days.政府在几天之内就扑灭了叛乱。The armed rebellion was quelled only in a few days.几天之内武装叛乱就被镇压下去了。We must push the matter through in a few days.我们必须在几天内完成这件事。Between them they can finish the job in a few days.他们同心协力,可以在几天内完成这件工作。He underwent minor surgery and recovered in a few days.他动了小手术,几天就康复了。




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