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词汇 保持一致
例句 UK immigration procedures will have to be changed to bring them into line with the latest European ruling.英国的移民程序必须进行修改,以便和欧洲的最新规定保持一致Businesses must synchronize their production choices with consumer choices.企业的生产必须与消费者的选择保持一致The state's traffic laws were changed to bring them into conformity with the rest of the country.这个州对交通法规进行了修改,以便与全国其他州保持一致There have been calls for the total abolition of car tax, which would bring car prices into line with those in the rest of Europe.有人要求完全取消汽车税,使汽车价格和欧洲其他国家的保持一致The major unions are aligned with the government on this issue.在这一问题上,几个主要的工会立场与政府保持一致His own desires conflict with external pressures to conform.他自己的欲望与要求他与大家保持一致的外部压力相冲突。They maintained only formal unity among themselves.他们只在表面上保持一致This rate is set in line with other interest rates.这一利率与其它的利率保持一致He matched his stride to her slower pace.他放慢自己的步子,与她保持一致Manufacturers admit that prices need to fall into line with the rest of Europe.制造商们承认价格应与欧洲其他国家保持一致He refused to march in lockstep with others in the party.他拒绝和党内其他人保持一致The other members of the board must be brought into line.必须使董事会的其他成员保持一致The leaders of any political party want all the members to come into line.任何政党的领导人都希望全体党员保持一致You can contract your muscles more powerfully by linking up your breathing to the exercise.你可以将呼吸与运动保持一致,使肌肉收缩更有力。Align yourself with people who think the glass is half full.和那些看事情更会看到好的一面的人保持一致She walked slowly to accommodate herself to his pace.她走得很慢,以便与他保持一致的步伐。It was virtually impossible to synchronise our lives so as to take holidays and weekends together.想让我们的生活步调保持一致好一起去度假和过周末几乎是不可能的事。Japan had decided not to keep step with Australia.日本已经决定不与澳大利亚保持一致意见。Moscow is anxious to stay in step with Washington.俄罗斯政府迫切希望和美国政府保持一致A verb should agree with its subject.动词应该与它的主语保持一致Our wage levels should be brought into line with those of our competitors.我们的工资水平应该与竞争对手保持一致A verb and pronoun should agree in number.动词和代词应该在数上保持一致The word can be spelled ten different ways. For consistency's sake, I'm going to use this spelling.这个单词有十种不同拼法,为了保持一致,我将使用这种拼法。Add an ending to make the verb agree with the subject.加上一个词尾使动词与主语保持一致




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