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词汇 保安人员
例句 A major disaster was prevented by the prompt action of the safety officer.保安人员及时采取行动,阻止了一场重大的灾难。A security officer at the factory, who declined to give his name, said he had seen two men leave the building.一位不愿意透露姓名的工厂保安人员说,他看到过有两名男子离开大楼。He's been sparring with the security guards.他在和保安人员争辩。Fans may undergo body searches by security guards.球迷可能要接受保安人员的搜身检查。Security staff will escort the prisoners to the scene of the crime.保安人员将押送犯人到犯罪现场。Security people were nosing around, and Cortez joined them.保安人员正在四下搜寻,科尔特斯也加入到他们当中。His agency hires out security guards.他的代理机构有保安人员供雇用。Armed robbers who shot at a security guard are still being hunted by police.一群武装劫匪开枪打中了一名保安人员,警方仍在追捕中。The security staff were in close touch with the local police.保安人员与当地警方保持密切联系。Security personnel refused to admit him or his wife.保安人员不准他或他妻子进去。The President's trip turned out to be a nightmare for his security staff.总统这次出行对他的保安人员而言是一场噩梦。Security officers had debugged the room before the meeting.保安人员在开会前已对室内进行了检查,以防有人安放窃听装置。She flashed her ID card at the security man.她向保安人员亮了一下身份证。Armed security officers are employed to mount guard over the president.雇用武装保安人员来保护总统。Security agents sectioned off the area where she shopped.保安人员将她需要的购物区域隔离起来。Wherever they went they were closely followed by security men.不管上哪儿,保安人员都紧跟在他们身后。Security people were nosing around.保安人员正四处搜寻。A couple of security guards showed me the door after they saw my camera.几名保安人员看到我的照相机就请我离开。Security staff did not then receive any briefing before they started each shift.保安人员当时开始轮岗前没有收到任何指示。They also claim that the security team elbowed aside a steward.他们还声称保安人员将一位乘务员推搡至一边。He produced his ID for the security guard.他向保安人员出示了身份证。It was compliments all around as security operators celebrated a virtually trouble-free day.保安人员在庆祝一天平安无事的时候,周围一片赞美之词。Protesters marched into the governor's office, taking security forces by surprise.抗议者们涌进了州长办公室,让保安人员措手不及。They ended up ripping down perimeter fencing and tussling with the security staff.最终他们拆毁了四周的围栏,与保安人员厮打起来。He got into the stadium masquerading as a security guard.他装扮成保安人员进了体育场。The security guards are notoriously brutal.保安人员的粗暴臭名昭著。The security men panicked as angry fans charged towards them.愤怒的球迷冲向他们时,保安人员陷入惊慌之中。Security men were trying to blend in with the crowd.保安人员试图混入人群中。The security guard made them empty their pockets.保安人员让他们把口袋里的东西全掏出来。Local people took matters into their own hands and hired their own security guards.当地人自己动手来解决问题,并雇用了他们自己的保安人员We've advertised for extra security personnel.我们已经登了招聘额外保安人员的广告。Embassy security personnel refused to admit him or his wife.使馆保安人员不允许他和夫人进入。The women refused to cooperate with store detectives, and we had to send for the police.那些妇女拒绝与商店保安人员合作,我们只得去叫警察来。Security staff circled the grounds of the house with guard dogs every hour.保安人员每小时都带着警犬在那幢房子周围巡逻。Security guards saw him off the premises.保安人员把他赶了出去。You'll need to notify security if you want to work late in the office.如果想在办公室里工作到很晚,你需要通知保安人员A uniformed security man met them at the gate.一名身穿制服的保安人员在门口迎接他们。They walked off with a million pounds' worth of jewellery under the very noses of the security guards.他们携带着价值百万英镑的珠宝,就从保安人员眼皮底下溜走了。The security guards were invariably ex-servicemen.保安人员毫无例外地都是退伍军人。We were challenged by the security guard at the gate.我们在门口被保安人员拦住查问。




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